Our mission is to provide the highest quality facilities, services and products to the Naval Aviation community and all organizations utilizing Naval Air Facility El Centro. We provide base support to Naval Aviation Squadrons and maintain target ranges for their weapons and combat air training. We also support Marine Aviation units, air elements from the U.S. Army, Air Force units, and allied forces.
Fleet and Family Support Office
Mission Empower Sailors and Families to Thrive
Vision Provide relevant programs to support resiliency, readiness, prevention, and the Navy Culture of Excellence.
Values -Innovative & Adaptive -Relevant & Accessible -Resourceful -Committed to Informing, Connecting & Empowering
Naval Air Facility El Centro was commissioned on May 1, 1946, as a Naval Air Station. Prior to that, the base was a Marine Corps Air Station. Through the years, Navy El Centro has had several names: Naval Air Facility, Naval Auxiliary Landing Field, Naval Air Station, and the National Parachute Test Range.
For the first 35 years, the mission of NAF El Centro was devoted to aeronautical escape system testing, evaluation, and design. In November 1947, the Parachute Experimental Division from Lakehurst, New Jersey moved to El Centro. In 1951, the Joint Parachute Facility was established and consisted of the Naval Parachute Unit and the Air Force 6511th Test Group (Parachute). The Air Force remained part of El Centro’s test organization for the next 27 years. In 1959, an ejection seat designed for pilot escape from a high-speed jet at altitudes less than 1,000 feet was successfully tested here. The Mercury Space Program parachute system, used for the first U.S. manned satellites and the Apollo re-entry system, was also tested here.
In 1964, the U.S. Naval Aerospace Recovery Facility was designated and on July 1, 1973, it was combined with the Naval Air Facility El Centro to form the National Parachute Test Range. Exactly six years later, the parachute test mission was transferred to Naval Weapons Center China Lake; and El Centro again became a Naval Air Facility.
Today, NAF El Centro provides realistic training to active and reserve aviation units and activities of the Navy’s operating and training forces. Squadrons visit NAF El Centro to practice gunnery, bombing, carrier landings and air combat. For more information, visit the NAF El Centro homepage.
Every month, seven to 12 squadrons and up to 1,600 personnel train here. Additionally, U.S. Air Force parachutists, U.S. Navy SEAL's, Army Green Berets, and British, French, German and Italian aviators visit for various phases of their training.
Naval Air Facility El Centro is located in the heart of Southern California's Imperial Valley. It is a two hour drive from San Diego and Palm Springs, one hour from Yuma, AZ, and fifteen minutes from the Mexican border. NAF is the "winter home" of the world-famous Blue Angels, the Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron.
Although small, NAF El Centro has a full array of support facilities: Commissary, Navy Exchange, Medical and Dental Clinics, Consolidated Officer/Chief Petty Officer and Enlisted Club, and a wide variety of recreational activities.
From Los Angeles: I-10 East to CA-86 South. CA-86 becomes Imperial Avenue. Turn right on Adams, Adams becomes Evan Hewes Highway. Turn right on Bennet Road to NAF El Centro main gate.
From San Diego: I-8 East, exit on Drew Road toward Seeley. Turn left onto Drew Road, turn right onto Evan Hewes Highway. Turn left onto Bennet Road to NAF El Centro main gate.
From Yuma Arizona: I-8 West to Forrester Road. Turn right onto Forrester Road. Turn left onto Evan Hewes Highway. Turn right onto Bennet Road to NAF El Centro main gate.
The most convenient mode of transportation to get here is your POV, however, you may fly commercial air on United Express from Los Angeles to the Imperial County Airport. Also, Greyhound Bus Lines has several scheduled stops in El Centro throughout the day and evening. Transportation from El Centro to the base can be arranged through your sponsor or the Duty Office, so please keep your sponsor advised of your plans.
The Housing Program at Naval Air Facility El Centro is focused on ensuring that Service members stationed at NAF El Centro, both single and those with families, receive adequate and affordable housing whether provided by the local private community or under government sponsorship. NAF El Centro has 172 housing units for all pay grades available on base plus newly renovated barracks for single Sailors.
Family Housing -- Housing options for married, officer and enlisted personnel with dependents vary from 2-4 bedroom duplexes or houses. Contact the Housing Referral Office at 760-339-2920 prior to obtaining off-base housing.
Combined Bachelor Housing -- NAF El Centro has various bachelor quarters for officer and enlisted permanent party and transient personnel. All accommodations have maid service available. The newly constructed transient barracks is equipped with kitchens, laundry, BBQ areas and tennis courts with plenty of covered parking. In addition, a few of the family housing areas have been converted to temporary Bachelor Quarters to accommodate excess operational detachment personnel.
Child Care
Child Development Center (CDC) provides full and part day child care for ages 6 weeks to 5 years of age. Child Development Homes (CDH) provide full and part day and night and weekend child care for ages 4 weeks to 12 years of age. School-Age Care (SAC) provides before and after school and day camps for ages 6 years to 12 years of age. Fees are based on total family income. For information, call 760-339-2560.