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*****************COVID-19. Please email the Battalion S1 Staff at: usarmy.knox.usarec.list.4dbn-adm-oic@army.mil for any questions during the pandemic.
The Denver Recruiting Battalion has several families enrolled in TRICARE Prime Remote. It is very important that you inform us in advance if you have an Exceptional Family Member to ensure you are assigned to an area where required services and education will be available. Contact the Soldier & Family Assistance Program Manager
Robert G. Staley
5th Recruiting Brigade SFA
Office: 210-221-2956
Cell: 210-722-7670
Email: Robert.G.Staley2.civ@army.mil
Due to the high elevation of 5600 feet and higher, newcomers to Colorado may experience high altitude sickness. Please refer to the following information:
Mild Altitude Sickness -- Symptoms usually occur within 8-24 hours of arriving at elevation and may include headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue or weakness, dizziness or lightheadedness, and difficulty sleeping. Alcohol should be avoided as it can interfere with diagnosing symptoms.
Moderate Altitude Sickness -- The headache becomes more severe and resistant to conventional pain medicine. It is not medically safe for all persons to be at high elevations. If you have any medical problems, especially those related to the HEART AND LUNGS, check with your physician before leaving home.
The following Military installations are located in our area of operations:
When recruiters, commanders and staff talk about "making mission" they are talking about our primary reason for being, which is to recruit the highest quality individuals who meet the requirements of the United States Army and Army Reserve. More than 300 noncommissioned officers recruit qualified young men and women for the active Army, Army Reserve and officer programs, and are supported by a team of dedicated Civilians.
The Denver Recruiting Battalion is one of the largest battalions within the U.S. Army Recruiting Command. Its territory includes all of Colorado, and Nebraska and part of Wyoming. We are known as the ‘Eagle Battalion". The Denver Recruiting Battalion is immediately subordinate to the 5th Army Recruiting Brigade, headquartered at San Antonio, Texas. The battalion's organizational structure includes a Command Section, Administrative and Logistics Division, Operations Section, Advertising and Public Affairs Section, Education Services Specialist and Soldier & Family Assistance Program.
The U. S. Army Denver Recruiting Battalion Headquarters is located at 621 17th Street, Suite 400 Denver, CO 80293. This is an 11 story office complex two blocks from the State Capitol. Parking is available only at meters on the street or in paid parking lots within the one block area. Parking expenses are reimbursed for those in-processing. Denver Recruiting Battalion homepage.
The Denver Battalion, is one of seven in the 5th U.S. Army Recruiting Brigade, U.S. Army Recruiting Command. In total, the battalion covers over 200,218 square miles, making it one of the largest battalions in USAREC.
Because of the diversity of our AO it is recommended that you utilize the following websites for information on your assignment:
The Companies
Subordinate to the battalion area are 5 recruiting companies and 2 detachments, apportioned primarily by population. Recruiting Company headquarters are located in Aurora, Wheat Ridge and Colorado Springs, Cheyenne, Wyoming; Omaha; and a Recruiting Detachment in Grand Junction, Colorado and Grand Island NE.
Release 2024.08.27.1