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Air Force
1565 AF Pentagon
Room 5C1049
Washington, DC 20330
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
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The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense (DoD). As a symbol of the U.S. military, the “Pentagon” is often used metonymically to refer to DoD rather than the building itself. It is the largest office building by floor area.
Looking to learn more about Pentagon - Air Force? View the in-depth overview.
Learn about what child care and youth programs and services are available at this location.
Installations have a variety of resources for elementary and higher education. Find out what may be available to you.
Support and assistance is available to you if you have a family member with medical or educational needs. Check out what information and resources are available to you at this installation.
Medical support and services may vary by location. Check out what services and resources are available to you at this installation.
Learn about your housing options before your move – government and non-government housing is available across installations. Contact your housing office to find out housing availability both on and off the installation.
Provides support for deployment, relocation and financial assistance as well as installation specific resources such as employment and availability of support on the installation. Utilize these resources to help you and your family balance life in the military.
A network of support and leisure services offer service members and their families options to engage with the community. Programs and activities vary by installation but may include health and wellness opportunities or discounted ticket options.
Relocation assistance programs and services are available to support you throughout your move.
Learn about your transportation options and key and essential information when moving to a new installation.