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7910 Baymedows Way
Suite 100
Jacksonville, FL 32256
BN Headquarters
BN HQ toll-free number
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
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Provide deserving men and women the opportunity to join the Greatest Team in the World, the United States Army.Battalion Leadership will implement, monitor, and maintain Soldiers' and Family Quality Life Programs.
Medial Care
Jacksonville Recruiting Battalion personnel and their Families medical care is handle by TRICARE East Region, 800-444-5445. The battalion SFA will provide Soldiers and Families with TRICARE medical and dental information upon inprocessing. Soldiers and Families are eligible for TPR if they live and work 50 miles or more from a Military Treatment Facility. United Concordia, 844-653-4061. UCCI will also take care of Active duty members if assigned to a remote area, 866-984-2337.
Car Insurance
Car insurance rates in this area tend to be higher than what most people are accustomed to. Be sure to check with your insurance company.
Household Goods
May, June, July and August are extremely high PCS months for NAS Jax. It is very important that in-bound personnel arriving during these months call and provide your contact telephone number and disposition instructions to the Personal Property Office immediately upon arrival in the area. You may stop by the office located on Yorktown Ave. in the Fleet & Industrial Supply Center, Bldg. 110, or call 904-542-1000 ext 1 or 800-762-4221 ext 1. Customer hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Driving in Florida
Florida law requires you to turn on your car headlights whenever there is any restriction to visibility while driving. This includes rain, fog, smoke, as well as at dawn and dusk. You may find that Florida drivers are impatient and tend to speed up to "beat a yellow light" rather than prepare to stop. Consequently, many drivers run red lights and you become the victim. Take an extra second to be sure the oncoming traffic is stopping before you enter an intersection.
Hurricane Season
Another major concern in Central Florida is Hurricane Season, from June to November. Call ahead if you are arriving at Jacksonville and a hurricane is predicted to hit this area. Watch the Weather channel and contact your sponsor if the Battalion may be evacuated and the surrounding roads will be congested with people leaving the area. Good website is: www.fema.gov for weather updates.
Soldier and Family Readiness Group
Newcomers and departing families may wish to know about the Soldiers & Family Readiness Group at their new unit. Spouses are invited to attend the Newcomer’s Orientation scheduled every other month where we can discuss the many initiatives you will be undertaking and will encourage her/him to get involved to the fullest extent possible.
A Soldier & Family Readiness Support Group Representative is available at every Company. They are caring people whose main purpose is to assist you with your concerns, organize SFRG activities, and give out information or refer family members when in need. Be familiar with your SFRG Group and ensure that your company Soldier & Family Support Group roster contains your current mailing address, email and phone number to get information. For any information contact the SFA at 1-800-790-0963 ext 23. or the office # 904-309-6915 Recruiting Command is a non-deployment unit.
Looking to learn more about USAREC, Jacksonville Battalion? View the in-depth overview.
Major Units
Learn about what child care and youth programs and services are available at this location.
Installations have a variety of resources for elementary and higher education. Find out what may be available to you.
Support and assistance is available to you if you have a family member with medical or educational needs. Check out what information and resources are available to you at this installation.
Medical support and services may vary by location. Check out what services and resources are available to you at this installation.
Learn about your housing options before your move – government and non-government housing is available across installations. Contact your housing office to find out housing availability both on and off the installation.
Provides support for deployment, relocation and financial assistance as well as installation specific resources such as employment and availability of support on the installation. Utilize these resources to help you and your family balance life in the military.
A network of support and leisure services offer service members and their families options to engage with the community. Programs and activities vary by installation but may include health and wellness opportunities or discounted ticket options.
Relocation assistance programs and services are available to support you throughout your move.