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Military and Family Readiness Center – EFMP Family Support
842 Falcon Ave.
Bldg. 722B
Patrick AFB, FL 32925-3439
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When you're moving, your to-do list can seem long enough to fill a packing box. If your family has special medical or educational needs, help is available before, during, and after your move. Enrollment in the Exceptional Family Member Program provides military families with special needs considerations during the assignment process and access to support services to help navigate the medical and educational system.
Learn more about EFMP in these resources:
EFMP for All Ages factsheet
EFMP brochure
EFMP Quick Reference Guide
EFMP videos
EFMP for MilLife Families
Family members ‒ a spouse, child or dependent adult ‒ with documented special medical and/or educational needs are required to enroll in the EFMP. This includes family members who:
Specific EFMP enrollment criteria can be found in Department of Defense Instruction 1315.19
Enrollment in the EFMP is mandatory for active-duty service members and ensures family members' documented medical and/or educational needs are considered during the assignment coordination process. Through EFMP Family Support, families can receive assistance with navigating military and community support systems.
Families can enroll by obtaining paperwork from the EFMP medical point of contact at their local military treatment facility, or from the EFMP liaison at their installation EFMP Family Support office.
You can find your service branch information here: Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force. Members of the National Guard or reserves may enroll in the EFMP according to service-specific guidance.
The forms for enrollment are:
Department of Defense Form 2792: Family Member Medical Summary – this form identifies and documents all medical and mental health needs for family members who may meet criteria for enrollment into the EFMP. The MTF staff or TRICARE-authorized provider will assist your family with EFMP enrollment, and will provide you with the DD2792-Family Member Medical Summary. The form is completed for both children and adults.
Department of Defense Form 2792-1: Special Education/Early Intervention Summary – this form is completed to identify a family member with special educational/early intervention needs. The MTF staff and your public school or DODEA special education staff member will complete the DD2792-1 Special Education/Early Intervention Summary.
The military mission is the driving force behind the assignment process. Enrollment in the EFMP ensures that family members' documented special medical and/or educational needs are considered in the assignment process.
Assignment coordination occurs when the personnel command requests that Defense Department medical and/or educational professionals review a family member's documented needs to determine availability of services at a projected location. Assignment coordination is important to ensure continuity of care and access to appropriate medical and/or educational services.
Families can access installation EFMP family support providers by contacting their installation EFMP family support office.
If you are unable to locate an installation EFMP family support provider, you can contact Military OneSource to schedule a free and confidential special needs consultation. Expert specialty needs consultants will help you navigate services for your family and connect you with military and community-based support. You can schedule appointments 24/7 by live chat, or by calling 800-342-9647. OCONUS calling options are also available.
Learn more on Military OneSource about EFMP family support.
The EFMP family support function is provided by EFMP family support providers located at the Military and Family Support Center.
Exceptional Family Member Program family support helps service members and their families identify and access programs and services. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Along with installation services, families with special needs have enhanced support through Military OneSource special needs consultations. Special needs consultants offer free and confidential, one-stop access to special needs and EFMP materials and resources. Families can inquire about a variety of topics including education, the military health care system, TRICARE coverage, state and federal programs, and more.
Consultations are available by phone or video. You can schedule appointments 24/7 by live chat, or by calling 800-342-9647. OCONUS calling options are also available.
Your installation school liaison is your main point of contact for help with school transitions for children grades pre-K through 12. School liaisons are located at each installation and provide a wide variety of services for students and families, including:
For general moving assistance, your installation Relocation Assistance Program can help you minimize moving stress and get settled in a new duty station. Learn more about relocation assistance services on Military OneSource.
You can also try these other Department of Defense resources for making your special needs move as easy as possible:
The Exceptional Family Member Program has three important components: identification and enrollment, assignment coordination, and family support.