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JPPSO (Personal Property Office)
Goodrich Avenue
Building H-10
Portsmouth, NH 03804
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
A PCS or military move can be a challenge, especially if you have a lot of stuff. Breaking down your to-dos into more manageable pieces often helps. Here, you’ll find out how to handle household goods, manage your pet and guidelines on the shipping process.
Your installation household goods/transportation office can provide assistance with understanding your entitlements and shipping your personal property. For information on shipping your vehicle, check out the Personal Property Resources page on MilitaryOneSource.mil, or visit the PCSmyPOV website.
To help customers access moving resources more easily, Move.mil has moved to the Military OneSource website. Now, moving resources from the Defense Personal Property Program and Military OneSource are available on the Military OneSource website.
Visit the Moving Your Personal Property page on MilitaryOneSource.mil for comprehensive moving information, resources and services. Access content from the former Move.mil website, including moving guides and tips, videos and FAQs, entitlement brochures, household goods shipment logistics, DPS log in and more. There are also links for retiring and separating members, specific service branch information and comprehensive relocation assistance.
Moving with your pet includes researching airline requirements and quarantine restriction laws in your new location. Many airlines have requirements for size, weight, breed, number of animals, kennel construction, documentation and seasonal limitations. Small pets may be shipped on military flights, but availability and regulations frequently change. Contact your installation household goods/transportation office to request specific country instructions. Military OneSource can make your move easier with helpful tips, resources and hands-on information related to moving with pets and more.
As soon as you receive your permanent change of station orders, it’s important to begin scheduling your move. The Defense Personal Property System, or DPS, is the online system you can use to request and manage your household goods shipment(s). For more information and a DPS log in link, visit the Moving Your Personal Property page on MilitaryOneSource.mil.
Read Preparing for Your PCS Move to learn more about coordinating your shipment and review the Personal Property Quick Reference Guide for actions you can take to ensure a smooth move.
Learn more about Your OCONUS Move: Planning, Resources and Tips. Begin to plan what items will go in unaccompanied baggage, in your household goods shipment and in long-term, Non-Temporary Storage, or NTS, storage – check with your sponsor or overseas housing office to assist in determining what items to ship.