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6500 Merchantile Way, Suite #2
Lansing, MI 48911
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The Great Lakes Army Recruiting Battalion, headquartered in Lansing, Michigan, traces its history back to the Detroit Recruiting Battalion, established in October of 1964. With the inception of the "All-volunteer" Army in 1973, the Lansing District Recruiting Command (DRC) was created with 63 counties, and the Detroit DRC was realigned to encompass the eight southeastern metropolitan counties of Michigan. The "Outstate" and "Metropolitan" commands approximately split the state's 9 million population. DRC's became "Battalions" in 1983.
During the early 1990s, USAREC established the Lansing Military Entrance and Processing Station (MEPS) and moved the Detroit MEPS to Troy. In June of 1992, the Detroit Battalion was phased out and its mission assumed by Lansing. Soon after, to recognize the new "mega" battalion's increased responsibilities and span of operation, it was renamed the Great Lakes Recruiting Battalion. Currently the Battalion consists of a headquarters in Lansing: seven companies; 46 recruiting stations; and units at the two MEPS. It is responsible for Army recruiting throughout Michigan's Lower Peninsula.
The Battalion's geography includes lush farmland in the south, wilderness areas in the north, and an industrial complex famous worldwide. Among Michigan's ten major universities are two world-class learning centers, the University of Michigan and Michigan State University. Recreation areas attract millions of tourists each year. Second only to Alaska in length of coastline, Michigan is a major yachting state. The 300 miles of sand dune-lined beaches along Lake Michigan rank among the best in the world, some hundreds of feet high!
The battalion touches four of the five Great Lakes: Michigan, Huron, Superior, and Erie, as well as Lake St. Clair, which is sometimes referred to as the "sixth Great Lake." It is this geography which gave rise to the title "Great Lakes Recruiting Battalion." (Lake Ontario is the "5th Great Lake")
Great Lakes Recruiting is one of eight Battalions (Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, Indianapolis, Great Lakes, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Nashville) within the 3rd Recruiting Brigade. The 3rd Recruiting Brigade is the center of Army recruiting activities for an area stretching across the north central United States, and tasked with the recruiting mission across eleven states covering over 614,390 miles.
The U.S. Army Recruiting Command and its Soldiers, Families, Civilians and Contractors are the Army’s trusted ambassadors to the American people. We “Provide the Strength” from the 1,400-plus recruiting stations nationwide and overseas.
USAREC is geographically dispersed with locations throughout the 48 continental states, Hawaii, Alaska, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Europe, Guam, Saipan, Japan and Korea. Due to the geographical dispersal of the units within USAREC, Soldiers and Families may find themselves living many miles from a military installation (hundreds, even!). For some, transitioning into a civilian community can be difficult and challenging. Recruiting is one of the Army's most critical jobs and is an extremely important mission. USAREC stands proudly knowing we have Soldiers and Families like you who are up for a challenge. Ensuring the quality of life for our Soldiers, Families, Civilians and Contractors is as important as the annual mission - taking care of each other makes us stronger. As a team – with Soldiers, Families, Civilians and Contractors hand in hand – we strive daily to achieve success. We pledge to give you all we have to provide a rewarding USAREC experience.
Please read through this entire section and understand the 3 steps new arrivals need to take in order to obtain healthcare in Michigan. Even if you are currently enrolled in Tricare East (e.g. Humana Military), it does not provide automatic coverage in Michigan. Action is required. New arrivals are encouraged to speak with the GLRB's SFAPM prior to leaving your current duty station. There is important information to convey regarding TRICARE, DEERS, Humana, Housing, and more. Current SFAPM is Dixie Pettit, phone number 517-372-3202.
Additionally, Soldiers who have never before been assigned to a remote location are encouraged to go through Military One Source's Plan My Move sections and reach out directly to the MOS team. Request additional assistance from the MOS team as they will interview you and provide detailed and targeted information for your situation and family dynamic.
GLRB does not have housing or quarters available for anyone; It is important to know what the housing market is like prior to arrival to make an informed decision whether or not to choose BAH or to go with Government Leased Housing. Do not assume anything! Currently (2022) the housing market is abnormally high. Even rents are climbing, with February 2022 sitting at the 7th straight month where rent price increases were in the double digits across the country according to Realtor.com's latest report. BAH often does not cover housing expenses for the same kind/type of quarters a soldier and/or family members are used to.
Most Soldiers in the Great Lakes Recruiting Battalion are required to enroll in TRICARE Prime Remote, but there is a minority of soldiers who will fall within the mileage criteria of a military installation, thus keeping them in the "TRICARE Prime" system. It is important to note, however, the soldier will not have access to any medical services at MI military bases so will still receive services the same as TRICARE Prime Remote soldiers. It is critical to update information and enrollment information in TRICARE within 90 days of arrival to the BN. Recommend Soldier complete TRICARE and Dental program updates during in-processing at Battalion Headquarters, preferably before arrival if you know your address in MI. Soldiers relocating to the Great Lakes Recruiting Battalion with dependents need to ensure self and family-member information is updated in DEERS and also call Humana Military and request the enrollment change once you know your address here. None of these updates are automatic (no matter what anyone else tells you) action on your part is required to implement changes in both DEERS and to receive TRICARE services in Michigan.
During the transition Prior to leaving current Military Treatment Facility, try to arrange medications and specialists in advance. It is recommended to have 90 day supply of current medications or to make arrangements for delivery of such to your new location.
Family members with medication-dependent conditions are encouraged to request assistance from current Military Treatment Facility's Ombudsman or Nurse Care Manager to facilitate Continuity of Care.
Pharmacy - 877-363-1303 or www.tricare.mil/pharmacy (Sign up for Express Scripts to receive prescriptions through the mail)
Dental - www.tricare.mil/dental
Vision - https://tricare.mil/CoveredServices/Vision/EyeExams, and/or family members may purchase more robust coverage through the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program
Medical - Remember to always verify (with Humana, not your doctors) that a "referral" has been issued an authorization number from HUMANA. Only Humana-Authorized referrals will ensure minimal out-of-pocket costs. The referral MUST say it is from Humana, not the specialist who will be treating you or the doctor who wrote your referral. It is critical a soldier and spouse understand the difference.
Humana is the contractor for TRICARE-east services. All TRICARE participants have access to a patient portal @ https://www.humanamilitary.com/ ... register for a patient account as soon as possible in order to make informed decisions regarding care choices. Seeking specialized care will often require additional effort from the patient in obtaining names of available specialists to give to your Primary Care Manager ('PCM' = family doctor, pediatrician, etc.) It is common in the Great Lakes Recruiting Battalion service area for civilian providers to "Refer" a TRICARE patient to a non-network provider. A referral is NOT the same as an "authorization." The Humana patient portal will have the authorization letter indicating the name of the authorized, in-network provider, the number of visits allowed, etc. If patient goes to a different provider than who is listed on the authorization, the patient WILL be responsible for "Point of Service" care, usually resulting in a significant deductible ($300), 50% of all allowable charges and the patient responsible for all balances. Know and understand your TRICARE plan. Reach out to the Battalion Soldier and Family Assistance Program Manager for clarification and/or questions.
In addition to the military sponsor, there is another person available to assist with a U.S. Army Recruiting Command transition. Soldiers are encouraged to reach out to the battalion Soldier and Family Assistance Program Manager in advance. The SFA will be able to provide additional resources and guidance prior to a USAREC move, including commonly-overlooked actions that may ease the transition process from a military base to remote USAREC locations. The SFA is able to assist with guidance beyond the green. The current SFA at the Great Lakes Recruiting Battalion, Dixie Pettit, can be contacted at 517-372-3202.
Looking to learn more about USAREC, Great Lakes Battalion? View the in-depth overview.
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Installations have a variety of resources for elementary and higher education. Find out what may be available to you.
Support and assistance is available to you if you have a family member with medical or educational needs. Check out what information and resources are available to you at this installation.
Medical support and services may vary by location. Check out what services and resources are available to you at this installation.
Learn about your housing options before your move – government and non-government housing is available across installations. Contact your housing office to find out housing availability both on and off the installation.
Provides support for deployment, relocation and financial assistance as well as installation specific resources such as employment and availability of support on the installation. Utilize these resources to help you and your family balance life in the military.
A network of support and leisure services offer service members and their families options to engage with the community. Programs and activities vary by installation but may include health and wellness opportunities or discounted ticket options.
Relocation assistance programs and services are available to support you throughout your move.
Release 2024.08.27.1