The U.S. Army Recruiting Command and its soldiers, families, civilians and contractors are the Army’s trusted ambassadors to the American people. We “provide the strength” from the 1,400-plus recruiting stations nationwide and overseas.
Recruiting is one of the most critical jobs in the Army and it’s an extremely important mission. USAREC is a geographically disperse unit, located throughout the 48 continental states, Hawaii, Alaska, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Europe, Guam, Saipan, Japan and Korea.
Due to the geographical dispersal of the units within USAREC, soldiers and families may find themselves living many miles from a military installation. For some, transitioning into a civilian community can be difficult.
USAREC stands proud knowing we have soldiers and families like you who are up for a challenge. Ensuring the quality of life for our soldiers, families, civilians and contractors is as important as the annual mission. Taking care of each other only makes us stronger. As a team – with soldiers, families, civilians and contractors hand in hand – we will strive daily to achieve success. We pledge to give you all we have to ensure your time in USAREC is nothing short of rewarding.
The Seattle Recruiting Battalion serves the nation and an Army at war by recruiting the best-qualified men and women from Alaska and the Pacific Northwest. At all times, in all activities, the Battalion conducts itself in accordance with Army values and provides a professional environment with a genuine high quality of life to all assigned personnel.
Reference the table below for servicing agencies within the Seattle Recruiting Battalion:
Servicing Installation
Common Access Card
Various Company Military Installations
Military Clothing Sales
Various Company Military Installations
Nearest Exchange
Various Company Military Installations
Finance Records
Seattle Battalion S1
Personnel Records
Seattle Battalion S1
Household Good Support
Seattle Battalion S1
Army Community Service and Family Support
Seattle Battalion Soldier and Family Assistance Program Manager
Medical Treatment Facility
Various Company Military Installations
Legal Assistance
Various Company Military Installations
Army Emergency Relief
Company Commander/First Sergeant
Family Advocacy Services
Seattle Battalion SFA Program Manager
Spouse Employment Assistance
Seattle Battalion SFA Program Manager
Every soldier assigned to the Seattle Recruiting Battalion will have a sponsor assigned to them to help facilitate in processing and ensure a smooth integration into their respective company and station. Once the battalion command sergeant major has determined the initial assignment location the soldier should call their company first sergeant to introduce themselves and receive the name and phone number of their sponsor.