Unable to connect locally? Contact Military OneSource via secure live chat or call 800-342-9647.
For additional information please contact the Soldier and Family Assistance Program Manager at 210-957-5130 or cell 210-632-4048.
The U.S. Army Recruiting Command and its Soldiers, Families, Civilians and Contractors are the Army’s trusted ambassadors to the American people. We “Provide the Strength” from the 1,400-plus recruiting stations nationwide and overseas.
Recruiting is one of the most critical jobs in the Army and it’s an extremely important mission. USAREC is a geographically dispersed unit, located throughout the 48 continental states, Hawaii, Alaska, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Europe, Guam, Saipan, Japan and Korea.
Due to the geographical dispersal of the units within USAREC, Soldiers and Families may find themselves living many miles from a military installation. For some, transitioning into a civilian community can be difficult.
USAREC stands proud knowing we have Soldiers and Families like you who are up for a challenge. Ensuring the quality of life for our Soldiers, Families, Civilians and Contractors is as important as the annual mission. Taking care of each other only makes us stronger. As a team – with Soldiers, Families, Civilians and Contractors hand in hand – we will strive daily to achieve success. We pledge to give you all we have to ensure your time in USAREC is nothing short of rewarding.
The San Antonio Recruiting Battalion's mission is to recruit qualified men and women from south and central Texas and New Mexico, in order to provide the strength needed to uphold and defend Freedom and Democracy.
The Battalion has historically been among the top achievers in the U.S. Army Recruiting Command. Active Army enlistments total more than 3,000 annually, while Army Reserve enlistments are about 900. The goal, however, is more than numbers. The focus is on recruiting quality youth to provide the strength for today's Army. The slogan is "Lean Forward, Seize the Opportunity.” The Battalion has recently acquired El Paso Company which doubled our area of operation and we cover 135,000 square miles.
You will be given your Battalion assignment during the second week of Recruiter School. Shortly thereafter, you will receive an email sent to your AKO account from the S-1. This email will include the name and contact information for your Sponsor, who will contact you within 7 days.
As your quality of life will be influenced greatly by your commute, you'll want to utilize the relocation tools to ensure you're within a reasonable commuting distance of your Recruiting Center. Don't make housing arrangements until you get here.For more information please visit https://www.jbsa.mil/Resources/Housing/ and http://www.usarec.army.mil/fhp/ for government leased housing. You will be pleased with the reasonable cost of living in the San Antonio Recruiting Battalion area.
Please call our S-1 staff at 210-957-5246 with questions regarding in-processing. Report to the Battalion BEFORE reporting to your Place of Duty.
Relocation Assistance
Visit the Military OneSource website to access Plan My Move Tools- calendars, planning guides and resources to help with your move. We hold newcomer’s briefings on a quarterly or as needed basis. If you need loan closet services you can contact your nearest installation: JBSA Fort Sam Houston, JBSA Lackland AFB, JBSA Randolph AFB, Corpus Christi Naval Air Station, Laughlin AFB, Holloman AFB, Fort Bliss and White Sands Missile Range. Contact the Soldier and Family Assistance Program Manager at 210-957-5130 or usarmy.knox.usarec.list.4kbn-sfa@mail.mil for more information.
Critical Information
Learn more about us.
For additional information please contact the Soldier and Family Assistance Program Manager at 210-957-5130 or usarmy.knox.usarec.list.4kbn-sfa@mail.mil.
Check in Procedures
Travel Planning: If you have questions about lodging you can contact S1 at 210-957-5246.
Reporting Procedures:
In-process at the San Antonio Recruiting Battalion HQ, report here before you go to your company. Report in ACU’s Monday through Friday. Bring your DA Form 31 (leave form), your assignment orders, your last NCOER, and a copy of your Army Recruiter Course Certificate of Completion (if applicable), a copy of Sponsorship Training and a copy of Sponsorship Survey.
To complete the Sponsorship Training please follow these steps:
To complete Sponsorship Survey please follow these steps:
Child Care
USAREC families receive reduced child care rates in the local community through the Army Fee Assistance Program. This webpage provides all the information necessary to obtain child care. You must read it for eligibility, procedures, policies, forms to use as well as participating locations. These procedures must be followed precisely to ensure reduced rates. For local community resources check with Military OneSource and select child care finder. Another resource is Sitter City as members of the military you will have a reduced rate registration fee, it can help you find not only child care provider but pet sitters, dog walkers and elder care.
Directions to Battalion HQ
Please contact the BN S1 for directions or a map 210-957-5246.
The state of Texas has many education opportunities, the BN ESS will be able to provide you with general information. There is also the School Liaison Office at 210-221-8782.
Emergency Assistance
Emergency assistance and referrals are available at:
The U.S. Army San Antonio Recruiting Battalion is headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. The battalion is one of nine in the 5th U.S. Army Recruiting Brigade, U.S. Army Recruiting Command. The battalion's area of operations (AO) includes the area from Del Rio to Kerrville to Marble Falls to Georgetown to Bastrop to Victoria, Texas and all the area to the Mexican border and all the way west to El Paso. The large cities of San Antonio, Austin, Corpus Christi, Laredo, and the Rio Grande Valley of Texas are included. Also in the mix are areas in New Mexico like Las Cruces, Alamaogordo, and Roswell. Because of the diversity of our AO, it is recommended that you research information specific to your assignment. All the area is very military friendly as Texas is home to many military installations.
The San Antonio Recruiting Battalion consists of seven companies throughout the central, western and southern regions of Texas and New Mexioc. San Antonio is broken up into seven companies: San Antonio West, San Antonio East, Austin, San Marcos, Corpus Christi, and Rio Grande and El Paso Company. Each recruiting center is manned by highly professional Soldiers dedicated to providing their community with information and support.
There are many military installations within our footprint: JBSA Fort Sam Houston, JBSA Lackland AFB, JBSA Randolph AFB, Corpus Christi Naval Air Station, Laughlin AFB, Holloman AFB, Fort Bliss and White Sands Missile Range. Several of our companies are located in more remote areas, Rio Grande Company is not near any military installation and a few of the centers in El Paso Company are a couple of hours from an installation.
Release 2024.08.27.1