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School Liaison Office (SLO) - School Support Services
1st Floor, Bldg. 36000
Shoemaker Lane
Fort Cavazos, TX 76544
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Texas Education Agency
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is the state agency that oversees primary and secondary public education. It is headed by the commissioner of education. The Texas Education Agency improves outcomes for all public-school students in the state by providing leadership, guidance, and support to school systems. The work of TEA and the entire public school system is driven by laws created by the Texas Legislature and the U.S. Congress and administrative rules adopted by the Commissioner of Education, the State Board of Education, and the State Board for Educator Certification. Public input is critical in crafting laws and rules. https://tea.texas.gov/
There are no Department of Defense Education Agency (DoDEA) Schools on Fort Cavazos. Killeen Independent School District (KISD) operates all schools on post under Texas law.
Killeen Independent School District (KISD)
Killeen Independent School District is the public school district serving the cities of Killeen, Harker Heights and Nolanville and the children who live on the Fort Cavazos military reservation.
There are six operable elementary schools (the seventh Duncan Elementary is closed), one middle school and one Early College High School on the installation. Students are zoned for schools near their home address; however, parents may request a transfer for their child(ren) by filling out the online transfer request, that can be found on Killeenisd.org. If you have specific questions, contact Student Services 254-336-2822.
All-day prekindergarten classes are available in Killeen ISD for those meeting the eligibility requirements. A child must meet at least one of the following requirements:
As well as one of the following:
A child entering kindergarten must be five years, or older, on September 1st of the current school year. Those entering first grade must be six years old, or older, on or before September 1st of the current school year, apart from students who meet the conditions of the Interstate Compact for Military Students (MIC3).
Please contact the respective Killeen ISD department when needing specific information on:
Schools-- Students attend 31 elementary schools (grades PK-5th), eleven middle schools (grades 6-8), five comprehensive high schools and one early college high school (grades 9-12), two alternative schools, one career and technology center and several specialized campuses. KISD and Central Texas College have joined forces to bring Early College High School (ECHS) to fruition. ECHS combines both high school and college curriculum allowing students the opportunity to earn their high school diploma and Associate's degree. For more information, visit the Killeen Independent School District at https://www.killeenisd.org/
- The Killeen Independent School District is the second largest employer in Central Texas with more than 6,600 employees.
Attendance -- Your child's attendance in school is an important part of their education. If a student is absent, it is important that the parent/guardian contact the school to inform them of the absence. Upon returning, parents/guardians must submit either a medical or parent note to the campus' attendance clerk. Attendance can affect Graduation if your students miss too many days.
Bus Information -- Killeen ISD provides bus service to many students in the district. To qualify for these services, a student must meet certain criteria. Transportation Services are provided for elementary students who reside one or more miles from the home campus and for high school and middle school students who reside two or more miles from the home campus. Transportation Services for students with individualized education plans (IEP) are determined based on the special need requirements of those students. If the student qualifies for Transportation Services, you must request this from the school you are zoned for and complete an application for this. For more information you may visit the website click on Departments and then Transportation. KISD also incorporated an App that can let you know where the bus is located at that time. Phone Number 254-336-0138
-- The School Nutrition Department is committed to providing nutritious meals for the students of the district. Breakfast is at no cost for the 2022-2023 school year. There are schools that will receive both breakfast and lunch at no cost.
The link to for your student’s school menu is https://www.killeenisd.org/school menus. This will assist in the planning of the student's breakfast/lunch menus for the week. Provisions are available for diabetic and allergy-based diets. For further information regarding School Nutrition, please contact the office at 254-336-0775.
For helpful information you may also check the Killeen ISD website: www.killeenisd.org
There are nine independent school districts surrounding Fort Cavazos: Belton, Copperas Cove, Florence, Gatesville, Killeen, Lampasas, Salado, Jarrell, and Temple. There are six elementary schools, one middle school and one Early College High School on post, which operate under the Killeen Independent School District. Copperas Cove Independent School District (CCISD) is a public school district serving approximately 8200 students in Copperas Cove and surrounding areas.
For Military Resources please visit Https://www.killeenisd.org/military_families
School Liaison Office: https://cavazos.armymwr.com/programs/school-liaison-officer
or email to usarmy.cavazos.imcom-fmwrc.mbx.slo@army.mil.
The ESD hosts on-post academic partnerships with four colleges/ universities:
Central Texas College and Texas A&M University-Central Texas currently offer classroom-based instruction, blended/hybrid courses, and fully online programs of study while our other partner institutes offer fully online programs of study. Day and evening classes can be held on-post at the SDC, and at other locations near Fort Cavazos.
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The Texas Education Agency, Student Assessment Division manages and oversees the development, administration, scoring, and analysis of the statewide assessment program, which includes the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness, Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System Details of these programs are available on the TEA website https://tea.texas.gov/
Copperas Cove ISD serves the educational needs of more than 8,000 students in grades Pre-K-12 with a staff of nearly 1,600 teachers, administrators, and support personnel. There is one Pre-K academy, six elementary schools, two junior high schools and two high schools, one being an alternative school of choice. CCISD also offers an Early College High School Program in partnership with Central Texas College and classes through the University of Texas. Visit the Copperas Cove ISD website. CCISD may also be contacted through its Facebook and Twitter accounts.
CCISD maintains 100% Highly Qualified teaching staff, exceeding the state standards. CCISD's superintendent, Dr. Joe Burns, was selected as the Texas Superintendent of the Year and CCISD's elected board of trustees was named Texas Honor School Board of the Year. Due to this strong leadership, CCISD dominates on state test scores through quality teaching every day in the classroom. Nearly half of all CCISD schools earned an “A” accountability rating on the state assessment and the district scored a high “B” with 86%. CCISD’s pre-K academy is ranked as one of the top 25 pre-K schools in Texas.
CCISD offers more than 30 career and technology classes with certifications and degrees available as well as an extensive advanced placement program and a multitude of dual credit classes.
The district also excels in athletics with multiple sports qualifying for state play-off tournaments. CCISD has a renowned fine arts program with the high school with the Pride of Cove Marching Band and Color Guard receiving superior ratings in all categories of the regional UIL contest as well as producing the Texas State Color Guard Champion. The high school dance team, the Copperettes, are the reigning national champion dance team. The high school cheerleaders are ranked in the top 25 in the state out of more than 1,200 school districts. The high school theater department qualified to compete at the state level of UIL one-act play receiving multiple honors. The CCHS choir also achieved superior ratings in the regional UIL competition for men's women's and mixed choirs-the only school to obtain all three of these honors. The construction, graphic arts, digital media, DECA, HOSA, FCCLA and criminal justice students also excelled at the regional level qualifying for the state contest with DECA and HOSA students advancing to national competitions.
Copperas Cove schools offer a well-balanced, objective-based curriculum to all students, regardless of special need or condition. The district is committed to providing safe, quality schools that ensure the highest level of student preparation necessary for success in a competitive, rapidly changing world. The program encompasses early childhood education, prekindergarten through twelfth grade, and continuing adult education.
Copperas Cove ISD is an integral part of the community. The school system enjoys a solid reputation as one of the finest in Central Texas. Year after year, achievement tests have shown that Cove students benefit from a high-quality education. Cove students regularly exceed state and national averages in achievement testing. A high percentage of Cove graduates go on to college or other forms of post-secondary education or join the military. Copperas Cove is ranked seventh in the nation for the highest number of military recruits per capita.
Due to their close proximity to Fort Cavazos, many residents are affiliated with the federal government. Military students make up approximately 30% of our student population, and Copperas Cove ISD is proud to serve our military members and their families every day. Nine of CCISD’s 11 campuses received the Texas Education Agency’s Purple Military Star for its programs to support military-connected students. Each campus webpage through www.ccisd.com contains information to assist military families moving into the Fort Hood area and support for students attending Copperas Cove ISD.
All questions can be answered by calling the central office at 254-547-1227 between 7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Monday through Friday or messaging CCISD through its website or social media platforms. The CCISD District Service & Training Center is located at 408 S. Main Street, Copperas Cove.
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