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Casey Memorial Library
72nd St & 761st Tank Battalion Ave
Building 3202
Fort Cavazos, TX 76544
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Library programs differ by branch of service. You may have access to things like tutoring, educational courses, online programs and a variety of print and electronic materials. Hours, contact information and closings can be found here or by calling your installation’s library.
Get to know the Army general libraries. You will find something for soldiers and families in all locations and military stages. There are 62 libraries across seven countries with physical collections in all formats. They support professional, educational and recreational reading.
Installation libraries play an important role for soldiers. They offer technical publications to support job requirements and career development. Soldiers can earn college degrees and certifications, update promotion packages, prepare for transition or retirement and more. Computers are available for completing training or personal education.
These libraries are also a “community couch” with programming, study and meeting spaces. There is something for everyone, including book clubs, story times and walks, game and movie nights. A themed summer reading program provides family fun. Evening and weekend hours accommodate busy schedules.
Makerspaces are now available in many Army libraries. All ages can explore and enjoy science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics.
Soldiers and their dependents who are deployed or in remote locations can use the Army MWR Library Online. It offers a wide variety of electronic databases and downloadable content. Contact your installation library for questions about registration. If you’re not near an installation library, contact
All Defense Department service members and their families can also use the online DOD MWR Libraries. The libraries have a wide range of online resources for children and adults. Access free tutoring, finance and language classes, career transition assistance, car care advice, legal forms and much more. Visit Military OneSource today to see what the DOD MWR Libraries can do for you and your family.
Casey Memorial Library offers Books, Ebooks, Computers, Internet Access, Electronic Database Resources, Self-Checkout for books, Music CDs, DVDs, Video Games, Language Materials, Reference, Storytime, Periodicals, Study Areas, Tax Forms, Scanning, & Interlibrary Loans.
Patron Registration
Casey Memorial Library is open to the military and civilian personnel of Fort Hood. Patrons must be at least 16 years old and show a military ID card and/or picture ID to register. Sponsors can register younger family members.
Lending Limits:
RenewalsItems may be renewed for an additional 21 days if the item is no more than 5 days overdue and is not on hold for another patron. Renewals may be made over the phone by calling 254-287-4921 and providing the barcode number for each item to be renewed. eBooks are the only items that cannot be renewed.
A hold may be placed for an item currently checked out. The patron will be notified by email when the item is returned.
Check Outs
Checked out items are due back to the library in 21 days. DVDs and Blu-rays are checked out for 7 days. Reference items and periodicals cannot be checked out. Patrons with items overdue more than 5 days cannot checkout until all overdue items are returned. Patrons are responsible for lost or damaged items. Sponsors are responsible for items checked out by their family members.
Interlibrary Loans
Interlibrary Loan services for books not carried in our collection are available at the Reference Desk. Call 254-287-5202 for details.
Conduct in the Library
Please keep volume of voices and noises low.
Materials & Equipment
Casey Memorial Library is open to authorized library patrons affiliated with the Department of Defense in the Fort Cavazos community. Patrons must be at least 16 years old and show a military ID card. Sponsors can register younger family members.
Authorized Patrons:
Checked out items are due back to the library in 21 days. Reference items and periodicals cannot be checked out. Patrons with items overdue more than 5 days cannot checkout until all overdue items are returned. Patrons are responsible for lost or damaged items. Sponsors are responsible for items checked out by their family members.