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Space Force
School Liaison Program Manager
Los Angeles AFB
Building 272
Rm C2-302
El Segundo, CA 90245
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
There are no schools on base. Students attend local schools based on where they live. Children living in base housing, which is located in San Pedro, attend Leland Street Elementary School (if the family lives at Fort MacArthur), White Point Elementary School (if the family lives in the Crest or the Heights), Dana Middle School and San Pedro High School - all part of Los Angeles Unified School District.
Some school districts have elected to be districts of choice, and students may request an interdistrict transfer from the school district in which they reside to the school district where the parent or guardian wishes their child to attend. For additional information please click on the link.
Personnel attached to Los Angeles AFB may request interdistrict transfers for their children to attend the other school district of their choice. Requests are considered on a space-available basis, and no request is guaranteed.
Los Angeles AFB does not have its own K-12 schools. Students attend local schools based on where they reside. The School Liaison Program Manager can assist with school information.
There are 83 public school districts in Los Angeles County. Districts are organized in three ways: unified (grades K-12); elementary (grades K-8); and high school (grades 9-12). Children living in base housing, which is located in San Pedro, attend Leland Street Elementary School (if the family lives at Fort MacArthur), White Point Elementary School (if the family lives in the Crest or the Heights), Dana Middle School and San Pedro High School - all part of Los Angeles Unified School District. Point Fermin Elementary School is the nearest elementary school to Fort MacArthur, but as of School Year 2009-2010, it is a marine science magnet school and all students will have to submit an application through the Los Angeles Unified School District Magnet Program to request attendance.
For more information on this process, please contact the School Liaison Program Manager.
The School Liaison Program Manager can help you locate schools, but you as a parent have the final decision. Visit the school in the city where you will be living to ask about the curriculum, clubs and special programs.
Some school districts have elected to be districts of choice, and students may request an inter-district transfer from the school district in which they reside to the school district where the parent or guardian wishes their child to attend. The losing district must agree to release the student and the gaining district must have space to accommodate the student. Often this is not determined until the first or second week of school. The only way to guarantee your child attends school in a certain school district is to live within its boundaries. Should you want to pursue an inter-district transfer, contact School Liaison Program Manager. The School Liaison Program Manager works closely with the local school districts and is able to assist you with this process.
LAUSD Inter-district Permit policy does allow parents to apply for exit permits from LAUSD.
Personnel attached to Los Angeles AFB often request inter-district transfers for their children to attend the El Segundo Unified School District, Manhattan Beach Unified School District, Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District, Redondo Beach Unified School District, Torrance Unified School District, Wiseburn Unified School District. All inter-district transfer requests are considered on a space available basis, and no request is guaranteed. Call the School Liaison Program Manager for assistance.
Charter schools are operated by the local school districts but are organized independently from district standards, Port of Los Angeles High School located in San Pedro, and DaVinci High School at near Los Angeles AFB.
School Services
Because there is such a wide variety of schools in the county, you will have to contact the school district your child will attend for reduced cost meals, before/after school programs, grading scale, sports and special programs. Regarding transportation, generally there are very few districts that offer busing. Students use public transportation or walk to their schools in most cases.
The School Liaison Program Manager can assist you.
As with public schools, there are many private schools surrounding Los Angeles AFB and the housing area in San Pedro. Find Private schools at the County Private School finder, Private School Reviewer.
You can also find private schools through the California Department of Education website, https://www.cde.ca.gov/. Under the Search menu, type "Private Schools".
Some parents may wish to use distance education resources to school their children at home. Requesting parents need to file an R-4 affidavit in October. This is a notice of operation of a homeschool, not an application for approval. To request an affidavit, call the CA Department of Education at 916-319-0839 or visit their web page for answers to frequently asked questions.
Most school districts offer night-time classes on a wide range of subjects, from dancing to computer skills to ESL. Use the California School Directory to find Adult Schools.
See also the Education - Training (College/Technical) section of this database.