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Region Legal Service Office- Southwest
3395 Sturtevant Street
Suite 2
Bldg. 56, Naval Base San Diego
San Diego, CA 92136
Appointment Hotline:
SD Court House
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Legal assistance is available to you and your family. Below, you’ll find information about claims and installation specific programs and services. If you have questions, reach out to the legal assistance program at your installation.
Region Legal Service Office Southwest's mission is to provide comprehensive legal support to Navy commands and individual service members throughout their extensive area of responsibility. Legal assistance is available to eligible clients seeking assistance with personal civil legal matters and may include advice, analysis, research, negotiation, notary services and document review or preparation. Legal assistance also provides services to educate eligible persons and command representatives regarding personal legal rights and responsibilities.
Eligibility for Services
People eligible for RLSO services are active-duty, retirees, Reservists on active-duty and dependents with an identification card. Proper valid military identification is required to receive services. An identification check is conducted at the legal assistance check-in desk.
Not Eligible for Services
People not eligible for RLSO services are Civilians or Department of Defense employees who are stationed at a command in the continental United States.
Legal Assistance Office Locations***
Naval Base San Diego Main Office; the main office is located at Building 56 aboard NB San Diego. Coming into the main gate, turn right. At the first stop sign, turn left. Enter the first parking lot on the right, and Building 56 will be the second building on your right. While there are certain spaces designated for clients, parking is often challenging, and it may be necessary to use adjacent parking lots. Please call the main number at 619-556-2211 if you have questions.
Naval Base Coronado (North Island) Satellite Office; the RLSOSW North Island branch office is located at Building 318 aboard NB Coronado North Island. Continue straight after the main gate until you reach the flag circle. Turn right on Quentin Roosevelt Blvd. Continue straight and turn left onto Saufley Rd. Building 318 will be on your right, next to the North Island Federal Credit Union and directly across from the pool (behind the Command Navy Region Southwest Fleet and Family Support Center. The parking lot is located across from Building 318 on your left. The stairwell access is on the pool-side of the building. The office is located on the second floor.
Please note, NB Coronado North Island branch office is not wheelchair accessible. Please use the NB San Diego location instead. Please call 619-545-6437 if you have questions.
Attorney Hours
Special Power of Attorney/Notary Services (Walk-in Only):
NOTE: You must bring your Military identification as well as a state- or government-issued photo identification with a signature on it.
Divorce Seminar (Walk-in)
NB San Diego: Seminars begin at 1 p.m.
Divorce seminars are available on a walk-in basis only, but you must be present by 1:15 p.m. to participate. Children are not allowed in the divorce seminars. Please keep in mind that the legal assistance attorneys can only advise and assist one party to the divorce. Ethical rules prohibit representation of both spouses. The other party is free to consult with attorneys at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Camp Pendleton or Miramar.
Scope of Legal Assistance Services
Informational advice only is available in the following subjects:
Advice and document drafting:
No support:
Release 2024.08.27.1