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Child Development Center
1376 Bushnell Street
Newport, RI 02841
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Programs and services are available at most installations for children up to age 12. Care may be provided in Child Development Centers, School Age Care Programs, and Family Child Care Homes. Please review the information to find out what programs and services are available at this installation. Please contact the Child and Youth Program point of contact at this installation if you require information, assistance or resources for child care in your local community.
Child and Youth Programs provide Child Development and recreational services for children 6 weeks to 12 years of age. The Child Development Center provides full and part day care for children 6 weeks to Kindergarten. The School Age Center provides before and after school care. Call Child Development Center, 401-841-4562.
The Naval Station Newport Child Development Center provides developmentally appropriate full-day care to children. The Child Development Center provides a safe, enjoyable early learning environment for young children. Quality educational experiences are provided through a stimulating environment.
The goal is to provide opportunities for children to be together in a setting conducive to the development of wholesome social relationships, to provide opportunities for meaningful play based on individual needs, interests, abilities, and provide developmentally appropriate learning opportunities which will build important foundations for the future.
Hours of Operation
The CDC is open 6:45 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Center is closed on weekends and federal holidays.
Child and Youth Programs offer full spaces. Hourly care is offered when space is available at a fee of $8.00/hour. CDH providers set their own drop-in rates. For more information please call 401-841-4562.
All military housing residents providing child care in their homes must be certified by the Navy and the state through DCYF. CDH providers offer a safe, healthy environment for children ages six weeks to 12 years that is comparable to the center based programs. Providers plan developmentally appropriate activities for the children in their care. They offer a flexible program which responds to unique needs of military schedules. For more information pertaining to CDH certification or child care referrals, contact the CDH office 401-841-4562.
Programs Offered
Hourly Care
Hourly Care is available to eligible patrons at $8.00/ hour. Eligible patrons may sign up for hourly care no more than 30 days in advance. Hours per week are limited to 25 hours/ week for CDC, 10 hours/ week for SAC, and 25 hours/week for summer camp. Space is limited.
The status of the sponsor determines enrollment eligibility. Eligible patrons include active duty military personnel, DOD civilian personnel paid from APF or NAF, reservists on active duty or inactive duty for training, DOD contractors and active duty Coast Guard. In the case of legally separated or divorced parents meeting the above criteria, the child is eligible only when they reside with the military sponsor.
Waiting Lists
Central Waiting List (CWL) is maintained for the CDC, SAC, and CDH programs. Patrons are prioritized by their status and the date they completed and filed the required DD2206 form, DOD Child Development Program Request for Care Record with the CDC. Vacancies are filled from the waiting list based on patron status and date on the request.
Priority Care
Respite Care
Respite care is considered our Hourly Care program. Care could also be offered in a CDH.