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School Liaison
1376 Bushnell Street
Newport, RI 02841
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
There are several ways you can gather information about the local school options at your next duty station.
Before moving, either CONUS or OCONUS, connect with your School Liaison Officer regarding schools and important resources. You can find a complete directory of all School Liaison Officers worldwide at https://www.dodea.edu/partnership/schoolLiasionOfficers.cfm.
You can also find resources and information about area schools at your next duty station by accessing your installation information through the online tool MilitaryInstallations. Additionally, MilitaryOneSource provides a broad range of information and resources on education, parenting and child care, relocation and the concerns of families with special needs members.
If you have a complex special education situation or require additional assistance, you can connect with and educational consultant through MilitaryOneSource.
All US states and territories have signed the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children into law. Please refer to the Military Interstate Compact Commission's website www.mic3.net for information about how the Compact can assist you and your children with school transition.
Newport County Schools
There are 6 public school districts in Newport County:
Newport School District ***link to https://www.npsri.net
Middletown School District *** https://www.mpsri.net
Portsmouth School District *** http://portsmouthschoolsri.org
Jamestown School District *** https://www.jsd-ri.schoolloop.com
Tiverton School District *** http://www.tivertonschools.org
Little Compton School District *** https://www.lcsd.K12.ri.us
You can get detailed information about each school system at the Rhode Island Department of Education's Infoworks page ***link to http://infoworks.ride.ri.gov/state/ri
They are located in the City of Newport, and the Towns of Middletown, Portsmouth, Jamestown, Tiverton, and Little Compton. Newport, Middletown, and Portsmouth each have their own high schools.
Little Compton's high school students attend Portsmouth High School, and Jamestown's high school students attend either North Kingstown High School or Narragansett High School.
All the public schools are fully accredited and bus transportation and meals are available in each community.
Middletown and Portsmouth each have two elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school.
Newport has one elementary school, one middle school, and one high school.
Jamestown has one elementary school and one middle school.
Tiverton has three elementary schools, one middle school and one high school.
Little Compton has one K-8 community school.
Newport, Portsmouth, Jamestown, North Kingstown and Narragansett each have their own Special Education programs. Middletown, Tiverton and Little Compton participate in a Regional Special Education Program.
Private Schools
Information on Rhode Island's private schools can be found on the Rhode Island Department of Education's website. *** link to http://www.ride.ri.gov/studentsfamilies/overview.aspx You can also search Rhode Island private schools at https://www.privateschoolreview.com
There are no Department of Defense Dependent Schools at Naval Station Newport.
Registration Requirements
You must communicate with the school registrar in the community where you reside to find specific information about registration procedures. You are expected to register your children for school immediately upon arrival.
For all communities you need the following:
A birth certificate must be presented on the day of registration for each child entering kindergarten or grade one. PLEASE NOTE: A child must be five years old on or before September 1. For kindergarten registration, state law requires that a child must have completed a state recognized or accredited kindergarten to be eligible for enrollment in first grade the following September.
Proof of Residency (rent receipt, utility bill, driver's license, letter from military housing office, etc.), Immunization records, records from the previous school including grades to the date of leaving if you are PCSing after the start of the school year.
Immunization Requirements
Rhode Island is one of 39 states who have signed the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children into law. Please refer to the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission website: www.mic3.net for information about how the Compact will assist you and your children with school transition.
Families who wish to home school must notify their local public district of their intention. Contact the district Superintendent's office immediately upon arrival. More information is available at http://www.ride.ri.gov/studentsfamilies/EducationProgramsHomeSchooling.aspx
The Aquidneck Island Adult Learning Center, located in Middletown is open to all Newport County communities. The address is: 740 W Main Rd, Middletown, RI 02842 / 401-847-7171.
You can find information and links to all Newport County's public schools at the Naval Station Newport School Liaison Officer web page: ***link to https://www.cnic.navy.mil/regions/cnrma/installations/ns_newport/ffr/support_services/families/child_and_youth_programs/school_liaison.html
If you have any questions about schools or educational issues, please contact the Naval Station Newport's School Liaison at 401-841-7126 or email slo.navstanewport.fct@navy.mil
Newport School District
Middletown School District
Portsmouth School District
Jamestown School District
Tiverton School District
Little Compton School District
You can get detailed information about each school system at the Rhode Island Department of Education's Infoworks page.
Information on Rhode Island's private schools can be found on the Rhode Island Department of Education's website. You can also search Rhode Island private schools.