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Fleet and Family Support Center
Lungomare Caboto
Molo S. Antonio
Gaeta, LT Italy 04024
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Moving is a way of life for service members and their families. Resources like MilitaryINSTALLATIONS, Plan My Move and Military OneSource provide important information to help make moving easier. For many newcomers, a sponsor can help add that personal touch.
A sponsor is assigned by a newcomer's gaining unit and helps the newcomer before, during and after a move. If you haven't been assigned a sponsor, you can request one through your new unit. Units try to match sponsors and service members by rank and family status.
To help prepare sponsors for success, the Sponsorship Program provides training and access to important information and resources that can help newcomers master their move. The Sponsorship Program helps sponsors fulfill their responsibilities, which may include:
Note: Responsibilities may vary based on service-specific policies and guidance. Make sure to check with your service branch for sponsor training requirements.
Overall, the Sponsorship Program aims to:
For more information on the Sponsorship Program, contact your installation Military and Family Support Center.
Sponsorship is also available for youth. Installation youth sponsorship programs help military-connected youth make a successful transition to a new community. Primarily directed to preteen and teenaged youth, installation youth programs/centers provide information and materials on programs and services available at their new location. Where available, youth can exchange emails, talk on the phone or chat online with other youth. The youth program staff at your new installation can offer more information on installation youth sponsorship programs.
You can also contact your installation School Liaison Program office for information about school-based youth sponsorship programs such as Anchored4Life and Student2Student. These peer-to-peer programs help your student adjust to and navigate their new school.
If your child would like to become a youth sponsor, contact your installation School Liaison Program or youth program/center.
Correspondence with your sponsor -- The most important way to prepare for this assignment is to correspond with your sponsor. Contact with your sponsor will enable you to have a trouble free move and an easier adjustment to your new environment. Once you know that you're coming to Naval Support Activity Naples Department Gaeta (NSAND GAETA) or the USS Mount Whitney, there is no time to waste in getting ready to move. A move overseas requires months of preparation. It cannot be overemphasized that you should immediately contact your sponsor.Constant two-way communication between you and your sponsor will help avoid needless worries and frustrations. If you have not received a letter from your sponsor, write immediately to your reporting command (addresses below), giving the following information:
>> If you have orders to the USS Mount Whitney (LCC-20) you must contact one of the following:
USS MOUNT WHITNEY (LCC/JCC20)NIT 100234 BOX 001FPO AE 09577-3320------------------------------------------------------------>> If you have orders to the Naval Support Activity Naples Department Gaeta (NSAND GAETA) you must contact the following:
And ask for the Sponsor Coordinator for NSAND GAETA.
Upon your arrival to NSAND Gaeta, a Command Sponsor will meet you at the airport and take care of you.
Newcomers to Gaeta will attend a Command newcomer briefing. Following the briefing, participants also attend an Area Orientation Class, Intercultural Seminar (AO/ICR SEMINAR) and a day Field trip to Rome.
If an AO/ICR SEMINAR class is not available, a condensed one-on-one brief (One-Stop Check-In) will be offered to the newcomer by the Gaeta Fleet and Family Support Center, or FFSC, to assure that all essential information is provided and appropriate referrals are made as needed. The FFSC has Loan Closet Kits available. You may contact the FFSC Relocation Assistance by calling 011-39-081-568-8357 or DSN 314-626-8357.
Release 2024.08.27.1