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Air Force
School Liaison
Unit 8150
APO Belgium 09719
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
DoD Schools
Kleine Brogel Elementary School
Kleine Brogel Elementary School (KBES) is a small school supporting the American children of the USAF personnel stationed at Kleine Brogel Air Base, Belgium. The school was founded over 30 years ago and continues to serve children from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade in multi-age classrooms. KBES shares a complex with the local Belgian elementary school. Meeuwen, a city in the province of Limburg, is in northeastern Belgium, near the borders of Germany and Netherlands. Meeuwen is about 30 miles south of Eindhoven, Netherlands, and about 60 miles east of Brussels, Belgium.
American families have the unique opportunity to live in the Dutch-speaking Belgian community.
KBES maintains a relationship with our neighboring DoDEA school, AFNORTH Elementary, Middle and High School. After our students are promoted from the 5th grade, they attend AFNORTH Middle School located in Brunssum, Netherlands, approximately 30 miles east of KBES. KBES also shares certain administrative and educational support services with the AFNORTH International School.
KBES is a member of the Isles District in the DoDDS Europe area of the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA).
Main Office: +32 (0) 11 79 2527
Website: https://www.dodea.edu/europe/eu-west
AFNORTH International School
The AFNORTH International School, a DoDDS school, was founded in September 1967 and provides education for about 1,400 children.
Four nationalities sponsor the school: Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the Federal Republic of Germany. Responsibility for international administration is vested in a Director appointed by the Board of Governors. Each of the national sections has its own principal or head teacher who is responsible for his/her section to both the director and to his/her national education authority. The director and the principals are together responsible for fostering the international ethos of the school and for respecting the educational requirements of each nation. This responsibility includes the mandate, as agreed by all four nations, to attempt insofar as possible to standardize instruction, develop common courses, promote language learning, and facilitate intercultural exchanges.
AFNORTH International Jr. High and High School offers education for dependents, grades 6th through 12th, of all personnel stationed at Kleine Brogel Air Base.
The school is located at Brunssum, the Netherlands, caters to American, Canadian, British, and German students.
Main Office: +31 (0) 45-527-8262/8263
Americans can also use the local Dutch schools. Dutch Preschool are most frequently used. These schools are on a space available basis which is subject to review at any time.
The school year in the Limburg area usually begins in September and runs for almost 11 months with several long vacations throughout the year. The Belgian school system is divided into primary, secondary, and higher-level education, with the first 9 years being obligatory. Students including foreign children pay no tuition. Most students walk, bike, use the public bus system, or are driven by parents.
Enrolling in Neighborhood Schools
If you wish to enroll your child in Belgian school, you may make direct inquires to you may contact the school director for an enrollment appointment. The School Liaison can accompany you to the tour, if you would like please just inform them.
During the visit with the school director, you will be asked to supply personal information such as address, date of birth, etc., as well as present documentation such as passports, immunization records, and school records, if applicable. The director will provide you with the following information: exact dates for the start and close of the school year, dates of school holidays, times for the school day, your child's class schedule, list of needed supplies, and any information concerning possible tutoring or after school care.
The School Liaison (SL) is your community facilitator, connecting schools, families, and community services to address education matters impacting military children. The SL promotes communication and collaboration between the schools, military organization, community services, students, and parents. The SL can be reached at DSN 314-358-7421 or Commercial +32 011 34 7421 or by email at 701MUNSS.MXMS.SLO@us.af.mil.
In addition, the Kleine Brogel School Liaison provides information on the following:
Kleine Brogel Air Base currently does not have college representatives on site. Geilenkirchen Education Center (located 42 miles away in Germany) provides assistance with military and civilian education. The GK Education Center can be reached at DSN 314-458-4094/COMM +49 2451 91514096 or via email at: 470ABS.DPE.EDUCATION@US.AF.MIL