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Policies and rules for shipping pets vary at each installation. It’s important to understand the regulations, prohibitions and laws at your new installation before moving with a pet. Below, you’ll find installation-specific details for registering, boarding and transporting your pet.
Government Housing
Your pets must be registered within 5 days of being on base at the Provost Marshal's Office. Call 928-269-6303 to schedule a registration appointment. Your dog or cat will be issued a Marine Corps Air Station identification tag that is to be worn by the pet at all times. There is no cost for registration, but proof of rabies vaccination for cats and dogs along with microchip information must be provided at the time of registration. Accommodations will be made for COVID-19 however documentation must be provided. You will be given adequate time to complete any shot or microchip needs and provide the information to Animal Control. Dogs and cats living on station, or in government housing at 16th Street must be registered with MCAS Yuma provost marshal's office Animal Control. Per Marine Corps Order P11000.22 and Station Order 6400.1J all dogs must be vaccinated and microchipped at the age four months.
You are only allowed 2 registered pets on base for example 1 dog and 1 cat, 2 dogs, or 2 cats. This does not include small birds, fish or rodents (Ferrets are not rodents). You are prohibited from having reptiles in base housing. If you are found in violation of any pet policy you will receive a pet citation. If you continue to violate the pet policies you can have your pet privileges revoked by the base Commanding Officer or Liberty Military Housing. During registration you will sign a Memorandum from Animal Control and be counseled on pet policies and procedures. This is to ensure that you understand all requirements and regulations.
Non Military Housing
If you live in private housing not provided by the government you must follow local laws with your pets. MCAS Yuma registration tags do not qualify as registration if you do not live in government housing.
Dogs should also be vaccinated against distemper, parvo and corona viruses and cats be vaccinated against distemper and leukemia. Your Dogs will need the five in one booster shot and your cats will need a three in one booster shot while residing on base. Animal Control will maintain your rabies vaccination on file. It is your responsibility to update Animal Control with your rabies vaccinations.
There are no mandatory quarantine regulations onboard the installation. Moving with your pet includes researching airline requirements and quarantine restriction laws in your new location. Many airlines have requirements for size, weight, breed, number of animals, kennel construction, documentation and seasonal limitations. Small pets may be shipped on military flights but availability and regulations frequently change.
Military OneSource can make your move easier with helpful tips resources and hands-on information related to moving with pets and more.
There are currently no kennels for boarding on Marine Corps Air Station Yuma.
MCAS Yuma Veterinary Service is currently not available on MCAS Yuma. The United States Army Installation near MCAS Yuma, Yuma Proving Ground, does have veterinary services aboard their installation. To schedule an appointment or for questions call the YPG Veterinary Services at 928-328-2064. You may also have your pets vaccinated by a civilian veterinarian, but you will need to show proof to Pass and Registration office upon registering your pet(s).
Per Marine Corps Order P11000.22, the United States Marine Corps has set official policy on the types of dogs allowed in installation housing and other rules surrounding pets on base. You must read this policy before you plan your move if you plan to live in government housing.
Some apartments and homes for rent will allow a small animal under 15 lbs. with a pet deposit.
Some apartment complexes will accept animals over 15 lbs. but be sure to verify the weight limitation and breed restrictions. We recommend pets be housed in another location until adequate arrangements can be made. Yuma weather can be hard on some outdoor pets due to the extreme heat.
Release 2024.08.27.1