Family Housing Department on K-Bay
1571 Lawrence Rd
MCBH Kaneohe Bay HI, HI 96863
COMM phone number for MCB Hawaii Family Housing Department on K-Bay808-496-2676
FAX phone number for MCB Hawaii Family Housing Department on K-Bay808-496-1259
DSN phone number for MCB Hawaii Family Housing Department on K-Bay315-457-2676
DSNFAX phone number for MCB Hawaii Family Housing Department on K-Bay315-457-1259
WEBSITEWebsite: Please be advised, the application and check-in process may take 45-60 minutes to complete. Please follow the following instructions and call our office if you have any questions. Once complete, applications will be forwarded to OMC/Hunt for processing. OMC/Hunt will then contact you to continue the housing process.
MTTF 0730-1530, W 0730-1400
Closed weekends and holidays