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Deployment Support
1949 Von Steuben Drive
Newport News, VA 23603
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Deployment can be a challenging phase of the military lifecycle, but it’s important to know that you don’t have to go through it alone. The military provides a variety of resources and support programs — ranging from educational briefings to morale calls — for your loved ones, children and service members to ease the stress of deployment. Military members may be assigned to a specific installation but support may come from local communities, Yellow Ribbon events or the installation itself.
Deployments are an inevitable part of military life, despite the challenges of separation and change, deployments can be managed. Information, planning and skill building are the keys to managing the deployment. Working in concert with command leadership, the Family Readiness Group, Navy Command Ombudsmen, and the Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) can help provide the necessary information to cope with deployment challenges. The Navy command ombudsmen are dedicated volunteers who are appointed by the commanding officer to serve as the link between command leadership and Navy families. To learn more about the Family Readiness Groups and Navy Command Ombudsmen or to contact your ombudsman visit www.ffsp.navy.mil. For more information and resources contact Fleet and Family Support Centers, Naval Weapons Station Yorktown, 757-887-4606 or our Newport News office, 757-688-6289.
Years of experience and knowledge about the deployment process make it possible to design a series of informational programs and support services. FFSC provides the following programs and services to support our service members and their families during these stages of the deployment cycle:
Deployments can be effectively managed with the right preparation. FFSC staff can assist command leadership to prepare single and married military members and their families for each phase of deployment – before, during and reunion/homecoming. Understanding how to stay ready for deployments is key to successfully coping with the challenges of scheduled and unscheduled deployments. Contact FFSC Yorktown at 757-887-4606 or Newport News, 757-688-6289 for more information about FFSC Programs and Services, visit: www.cnic.navy.mil/navylifema regarding resources, support groups and any questions you might have.
Release 2024.08.27.1