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Air Force
2nd Bomb Wing Legal Office
334 Davis Avenue
Barksdale AFB, LA 71110
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Legal assistance is available to you and your family. Below, you’ll find information about claims and installation specific programs and services. If you have questions, reach out to the legal assistance program at your installation.
The Legal Office provides legal assistance and claims services for active-duty members, retired military members and their families. The judge advocates are licensed attorneys who assist eligible individuals on personal civil legal matters.
The 2nd Bomb Wing Staff Judge Advocate's Office is located in Building 3433, 334 Davis Ave., Suite 100.
Types of Services
Services include help with the following:
Hours of Operation (effective January 21, 2025)
POA & walk-in notary:
Monday - Friday: 0900-1500
Closed every day for lunch from 1200-1300 and Wednesdays from 1300-1500 for training.
Legal assistance services will also be provided Monday to Friday from 0900 to 1500 by appointment only. Appointments will be based on individual attorney availability. Schedule your appointment now: https://outlook-dod.office365.us/book/2BWJALegalOffice@bookings.af.mil/
Go to the Air Force legal assistance website (https://aflegalassistance.law.af.mil) to complete online worksheets prior to coming by the Legal Office. After completing the worksheet or after clicking "Save and Exit," the website will generate a ticket number. We recommend you write the ticket number down or take a photo of it with your phone. You are required to provide this ticket number and your DoD ID Card number to the Legal Office when you call to schedule your appointment. You may also use the ticket number to re-enter the worksheet and change the information you previously entered. The ticket number is important – the Legal Office cannot access your data without your ticket number.
Call 318-456-2562 or DSN 312-781-2562 or email 2bw.ja.civillaw@us.af.mil for more information.
All household goods claims are now filed online through the Air Force Claims Service Center. Go to the Air Force Claims Service Center website or call DSN 312-986-8044 or 877-754-1212.
The DD Form 1840/1840R (the pink form) still needs to be filed within 75 days from date of delivery of your household goods. If you have difficulty contacting the AFCSC, contact the base claims office at318-456-2562 for assistance. All other claims are processed through the Legal Office on a walk-in basis during their open hours which are Monday-Friday from 0900-1500. Closed every day for lunch 1200-1300 and Wednesdays at 1200.
Remember full replacement value does not mean you get new items. The carrier can repair, replace or pay cash for you to buy a similar item.
Do not throw away damaged items unless they may cause a hazard to you or your family. The carrier has 30 days for salvage rights.