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Air Force
Relocation Assistance Program
166 C Circle
Building 1114
Columbus AFB, MS 39710-7901
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Service providers are available with support both before and after a PCS move. Learn more about how to put the military’s relocation assistance program to work for you. See below for an overview of Military and Family Support Center Relocation Assistance services. Services vary by installation, so check the “Other” section below to see what other services are available at your location.
Your Military and Family Support Center provides relocation assistance to help make PCS moves as smooth as possible. Resources include:
You will be scheduled by your Commander's Support Staff within the first 3 duty days of your arrival to do most of your in-processing at the Columbus Welcome Center located in the Mission Support Group, Building 730. There you will in-process with agencies such as Finance, Military Personnel Flight, TMO and Medical Group. Bring your children along as they have a play area for them to keep them busy while you in-process.
Wing Newcomers Orientation is held the 1st and 3d Wednesday of every month with the exception of July and January when it's only on the 3d Wednesday. It runs from 8 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., and is held at the Columbus Club Event Center and includes a base bus tour. This program is mandatory for all military and Department of Defense civilian personnel. The Columbus Club is located in Building 944, directly across from the Housing Office. All attendees must register for orientation through their unit Commander Support staff. The interactive orientation utilizes the Columbus Air Force Base app which will quickly connect you with key agencies and locations across the base will afford you an opportunity to address many relocation questions. For more information, contact the Military and Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) at DSN 312-742-2790 or 662-434-2790.
The Columbus Air Force Base Loan Closet has household items to tide you over prior to the arrival of your household shipment and once your household shipment has been picked up on your departure. Items such as pots and pans, dishes, silverware, irons and ironing boards and baby items are available for your use at the Airman's Attic located in Building 530. You can reach the Airman’s Attic by phone at DSN 312-742-2954 or 662-434-2954. Tables and folding chairs are also available for checkout at Outdoor Recreation located in Building 152. Availability is on a first-come, first-served basis. Items are loaned free of charge up to 30 days to in-processing or out-processing personnel and families while household goods are in transit. You must present a copy of your permanent change of station orders to borrow items. In addition, a variety of relocation assistance information and resources can be obtained by visiting the M&FRC in Building 1114, or by calling DSN 312-742-2790 or 662-434-2790.
Installation-Specific Information
Upon arrival at Columbus Air Force Base, stop by the M&FRC for settling-in information. A welcome package is available that includes base and community information and a telephone listing for frequently-called base telephone numbers. You are encouraged to visit or contact the Relocation Assistance Program (RAP) Office at the M&FRC, 166 C Circle, Building 1114. The RAP offers information and assistance for newcomers briefing, checklists, emergency situations, numerous pamphlets and handouts, seminars and one-on-one consultations to assist with the relocation process.
If you are PCSing and are active-duty Air Force, the Air Force Aid Society provides 20 hours of childcare (per child) at no cost at the gaining and losing installations. Only Air Force active-duty personnel are eligible. Contact the M&FRC for more information.
When preparing to pack, make sure you have all your important papers with you. Hand carry all important papers and documents. Do not pack them with your household goods. Telephone numbers for your commander and sponsor can be invaluable in case of an emergency while in transit. The RAP Office can provide you with handy checklists.
A variety of services are available for personnel and families reporting to Columbus Air Force Base for separation. Contact the Separations Section at Military Personnel for separations information. Contact the M&FRC for transition assistance, the Career Focus Program and relocation assistance. Schedule your separations or retirement briefing with the M&FRC at least 90 days prior to separating. The blending of needs with resources, including resources of the military and the local community, is the goal of the Information and Referral program of the M&FRC. For more information on our RAP, you may reach us at 662-434-2790 or DSN 312-742-2790.
Release 2024.08.27.1