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Policies and rules for shipping pets vary at each installation. It’s important to understand the regulations, prohibitions and laws at your new installation before moving with a pet. Below, you’ll find installation-specific details for registering, boarding and transporting your pet.
All pets living on and off base are required to have current rabies vaccinations. There is no veterinary clinic on Columbus Air Force Base. There is no requirement to register animals with the city or county, however rabies vaccinations are required.
Currently no pet quarantines are in effect at Columbus Air Force Base or in the Columbus area.
Travel with pets requires extra research and planning. Consider the overall health and age of the animal, additional expenses for travel, lodging/kennels and deposits. If traveling by car determine in advance which hotels along the way will accept pets. Some families find it best to stay at campgrounds, rather than hotels.
Travel can be uncomfortable and stressful for your pet. You may decide to ask your veterinarian to prescribe a mild sedative for your pet. It's usually given one hour before departure so that the pet receives the maximum benefit of the drug during the trip.
Your pet will feel more secure and will not be jostled if kept in a kennel or on a seat belt harness while you drive. Seat belt harnesses are available at pet supply stores. The seat belt harness allows movement but will restrain the pet from getting out of the car or thrown into a window in case of sudden stops. Your pet needs breaks from the car. Rest stops are ideal places to let the pet stretch and take care of nature calls. Always keep your pet on a leash when outside. Even cats need this precaution so they don't run away.
In addition to food, water, a kennel and health certificate, take along a copy of the pet's medical records. Ask your veterinarian to refer a veterinarian at your destination or contact the American Veterinary Medical Association for a list of reputable veterinarians.
Unfamiliar sights and smells are as upsetting to a pet as they are exciting. Animals are creatures of habit that prefer to keep to the same routine. Once settled, try to maintain the same schedule and routines for feeding and exercising as you would at home.
Air Travel
If traveling by air additional considerations include airline travel rules size/type/health of animal, cage requirements, total number of animals allowed in cargo and in cabin per flight, etc and expenses. The government does not pay to transport animals. A significant factor affecting families wishing to transport pets by air is the temperature. There are rules regarding air transport of animals during times of extreme hot and cold temperatures at departure and arrival points as well as at stops. Check with your airline, the Traffic Management Office or look at the Federal Aviation Administration web page for information and rules regarding pets and air travel.
Remember to obtain and hand-carry pet medical and vaccination records. You will need them for commercial transportation, for boarding and for licensing.
PCS Pet Expense
Certain expenses for one pet may be reimbursed. Up to $550 for CONUS moves and $2,000 for OCONUS. All receipts must be kept, even those under $75. Contact your Military & Family Readiness Center or Finance Office for more details.
Make advance reservations for pet boarding as soon as you know your arrival date. This is an area where your sponsor can be of assistance. No pet boarding facilities are available on Columbus Air Force Base. Pets are not allowed in visitors quarters, bachelor officer quarters or dorms. There are two Temporary Lodging Facilities units set aside for pets. The fee per night for pets is $10.00.
Release 2024.08.27.1