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School Liaison
9800 Belvoir Road
Building 200
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
All schools are accredited by the Virginia Board of Education. All high schools are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. For continued accreditation, the Southern Association and the Virginia Board require periodic reevaluation by committees of outside educators as well as continuous school improvement based on prescribed accreditation models.
Number of Schools
Fairfax County has 141 elementary schools, 26 middle schools, and 26 high schools. Prince William County has 56 elementary schools, 15 middle schools, 11 high schools, and 5 specialty schools. For more information about these schools districts, you may visit their websites.
Children residing on Fort Belvoir will attend the Fort Belvoir Elementary School-located on post, Walt Whitman Middle School or Mount Vernon High School. Children who reside in Woodlawn Village Community will attend Woodlawn Elementary School.
Most children living off post will attend schools in either Fairfax County or Prince William County.
Bus Service
Fairfax County School Transportation Office can be reached at 703-446-2000, after business hours 703-764-2400. Prince William County School Transportation Central Office telephone is 703-791-0255, East Operations, 703-455-1240, West Operations 703-753-6398, Special Needs Operations 703-368-0176.
For information on the Fairfax County or Prince William County School Meal Programs, visit their websites.
Before and After School Programs
To be eligible for student activities within Fairfax County Schools, a student must be in good standing, have passed five subjects for credit the preceding semester, taken no fewer than five classes for credit, have a Virginia High School League physical, be an amateur and have passed the Virginia Literacy Passport Test. Activities vary by school, contact the individual school to determine what activities they offer. Army JROTCs are located in Hayfield Secondary, Edison, West Potomac, and South Lakes High Schools; Navy in Herdon High School, and Marine Corps in Mt. Vernon High School.
Prince William County Schools offer a variety of student activities that include school choral, band and orchestra, debate and forensics, theatre and scholastic bowl, student publications, 21 varsity sports, cheerleading and dance. For more information contact the local JROTC programs are offered in the high schools. Potomac and Osborn Park Senior High Schools offer Naval programs, and Woodbridge Senior High School offers an Army program.
Sports Programs
Football and Basketball are among some of the sports offered by Fairfax County and Prince William County school systems.
Exceptional Children Programs
Fairfax County Schools have 17 Special Education Programs. Contact the individual school for specific programs or the ACS Exceptional Family Member Program at 703-805-2967 or DSN 312-655-2967 for assistance or contact Fairfax County Public Schools Special Education Office at 571-423-4010. Prince William County Schools Special Education Office telephone is 703-791-7287.
Children residing on Fort Belvoir will attend either Fort Belvoir Elementary School or Woodlawn Elementary (located just outside the installation) which are run by Fairfax County Schools. Walt Whitman Middle School or Mount Vernon High School, are also Fairfax County schools.
Fairfax County Public School System is the largest district in Virginia and the 12th largest in the nation, with 193 schools and approximately 166,275 students. The Prince William County Public School System is the third largest school district in Virginia with 82 schools with 5 Specialty Schools and 63,109 students.
Pupil Teacher Ratio/Grading System County Compisons
Staffing Ratio Grades 1-3
Staffing Ratio Grades 4-6
Staffing Ratio Grades 7-8
Staffing Ratio Grades 9-12
Grading System A
Grading System B+
Grading System B
Grading System C+
Grading System C
Grading System D+
Grading System D
Grading System F
Special Programs Offered
Advance Placement
Achievement Test Scores
For achievement scores, please visit the Fairfax County Schools website and the Prince William County Schools website.
Fairfax County Schools
A center within an existing high school that offers advanced technical and specialized courses that successfully integrate career and academic preparations. Academies emphasize instruction in one or more career fields such as Engineering and Scientific Technology, Communication Arts, Health and Humans Services and International Studies and Business. Academies are located at Chantilly, Edison, and Fairfax High Schools.
International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
This rigorous advanced-level college preparatory program provides a comprehensive liberal arts education emphasizing analytical and writing skills with an international perspective. It is open to 11th and 12th grade students. The program is offered at Edison, Marshall, Mount Vernon, Robinson Secondary, South Lakes, and Stuart High Schools.
Advance Placement (AP) Program
AP Programs are offered in English, social studies, math, science, and foreign languages at each high school that does not offer an International Baccalaureate program. AP courses are open to enrollment to all students.
Alternative High Schools
Schools for students requiring a nontraditional setting. They have open enrollment, extended hours, and evening classes in summer.
College Partnership Program
An educational partnership involving the school system, colleges and universities, businesses, parents, and community organizations. It provides academic and motivational support for selected students. For eligibility criteria and information call 703-876-5208.
Advancement via Individual Determination (AVID) -- A program for underachieving students in middle and high school. Students are prepared to meet college entrance requirements. Call 703-846-8645.
DSSSE Alternative Schools -- Alternative schools for at-risk youth who have been placed by agency representatives and who have not been successful in traditional school settings.
English as a Second Language --Provided in 151 school settings for grades 1-12.
Foreign Language Partial-Immersion Program -- Located in selected elementary and middle schools in French, Spanish, Japanese, and German. Call 703-208-7724 for information on enrollment.
Gifted and Talented -- Programs are available for kindergarten through grade 12 at each school. Call the individual school for more information.
Summer School
Offered at selected sites and includes camps and institutes, community education courses, elementary and middle school integrated learning programs, English as a second language, high school courses for new or repeat credit, special education program, and SOL remediation programs. Call 703-227-2253.
Summer Reading Lists
Every student who will be entering grades six through twelve in the fall must read at least one book over the summer. The follow-up in the fall will be determined by each school. The lists contain suggestions for reading; although students may read any other book that is approved by their parents.
Prince William County Schools
This rigorous advanced-level college preparatory program provides a comprehensive liberal arts education emphasizing analytical and writing skills with an international perspective. IB programs are offered at Unity Reed High School, 703-365-2900, and Garfield High School 703-730-7000.
Center for Environmental and Biological Sciences offers a four-year program in applied science, mathematics, language arts and the humanities. The center is located at Freedom High Scool, 703-583-1405.
Center for Mathematics and Physical Sciences. An accelerated method of study offered through the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, emphasizes mathematics and physical sciences. Located at Potomac Senior High School, 703-441-4200.
Center for International Studies and Languages located at Hylton Senior High School. A four year program in humanities, mathematics and sciences. 703-580-4000.
Gifted and Talented Programs
Gifted education services are available to students in kindergarten through grade 12. Five elementary gifted education centers have been established in Prince William County. Students involved in a school-based program receive services within that school. Middle school students receive appropriate instruction in each of the middle schools. Students in ninth through twelfth grade are provided with advanced classes and a bi-weekly seminar program. Students can apply to attend Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in the eighth grade. For more information on the Gifted program contact 703- 791-7400.
Alternative High School
Services for students who are experiencing academic and or behavioral difficulties are offered at Independence Nontraditional School, 571-374-6600.
English for Speakers of Other Languages
Classes are available to students in grades one through 12 for whom English is not the primary language and whose English is not adequate to function successfully in the regular subject area.
Driver Education is offered on a tuition basis. Students may take the full program, consisting of in-car instruction and classroom instruction, or a partial program of either in-car instruction only or classroom instruction only.
A variety of educational experiences for elementary, middle school, and high school students, grades K-12 are available. Course offerings are contingent upon student enrollment, teacher availability, and funding. High school courses are available to make up courses failed, take new credits or enrich study in various areas. Shuttle transportation will be provided from each of the county's high schools.
For a listing of private schools in Fairfax County, www.niche.com
For information about homeschooling in Virginia, please click here.
Fort Belvoir Barden Education Center provides opportunities for adult continuing education. See the Education College/Technical Training topic for more information.
Fort Belvoir Barden Education Center - 703-805-9264.