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Fort Benning Transportation Division
Meloy Drive
Building 6
Room 105
Fort Benning, GA 31905
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Policies and rules for shipping pets vary at each installation. It’s important to understand the regulations, prohibitions and laws at your new installation before moving with a pet. Below, you’ll find installation-specific details for registering, boarding and transporting your pet.
Plan for your pet’s trip in the same way you plan your own. That is, well in advance.
A clean bill of health is an important first step in assuring your pet’s ability to adjust safely to unfamiliar surroundings. In addition, most states and countries require recent health certificates and disease inoculation documentation before you are allowed to cross borders, making a trip to the veterinarian mandatory. Make sure your pet has a special identification tag with their name, your name and a destination address or that of a friend or relative.
When traveling by air, the pet kennel/carrier in which your pet will be spending most of their trip is of utmost importance. Your pet must have room to turn freely while in a standing position and be able to use normal movements in order to stand erect or lie down in a natural position. Airlines can provide you with further information.
There are no quarantine regulations in Georgia or Fort Benning.
Contact Veterinary Services for additional information by calling 706-545-4444/1127/0088, or visiting 6417 10th Mountain Division Road, Building 265, 266
All kennels in Georgia and Alabama require pet owners to verify that their animals have had their rabies and other required shots. The Bordetella shot is a state requirement before pets can be boarded in a kennel.
There are no kennels available on Fort Moore installation.
The Veterinary Treatment Facility is professionally staffed by the Army Veterinary Corps, with the primary mission of providing complete veterinary care for all government-owned animals. Staff members understand how important your pet is to you and, with that in mind, they also offer many types of routine care for the pets of military families.
Emergency services, however, are limited to the stabilization of the pet until arrangements can be made for care at an off-post facility.
The facility’s hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on Thursday, when hours are 9 a.m. to 12 p.m..
The office is closed on federal holidays.
For more information on services or to set up an appointment, call 706-545-11274444, go to Building 265, 6417 10th Mountain Division Road, or visit
Pet policies for Family Communities allows each household a maximum of three pets. Pet deposits are waived for the first two pets.
All pets must be registered at the Fort Benning Veterinarian Treatment Facility prior to move in. Not only is this a Community policy but also an Army regulation (Reference Fort Benning AR 210-5). Pet owners must provide a copy of verification of appropriate immunization along with the pet registration to management prior to move in. If a pet is acquired after your move-in date, the pet must be registered at the Fort Benning Veterinarian Treatment Facility within five working days.
Pets are considered to be a privately owned domesticated animal living in association with a household, including dogs, cats and birds. Pets must not weigh more than 100 pounds. Certain breeds of pets have been restricted and will not be accepted. These breeds include pit bulls, Doberman pinschers, chows, American and English Staffordshire terriers and Rottweilers, as well as wolf hybrids. Any mixes of the above mentioned breeds are also restricted. Other animals restricted from family housing include exotic animals, such as, but not limited to, reptiles, rodents (other than hamsters and guinea pigs), ferrets, etc. For a more detailed list, contact your Family Housing Welcome Center.
In order to keep the grounds clean and sanitary, all pets must be taken to the outside perimeter of the community for their toilet purposes. All pet owners will be required to clean up behind their pets and dispose of the droppings in an appropriate waste receptacle. It will be a violation of these policies if any resident simply "turns out the pet" (outside of a fenced area) and recalls it at his convenience.
When outside the home or fenced yard, all pets must be on a leash at all times. Pets are not to be tied or staked outside the home. All yards and common areas should be kept clean of pet droppings. During hot weather, especially, odors from such can be extremely offensive to neighbors. Avoid leaving pet food outside for prolonged periods, as it will attract pests. Pets are NOT allowed in the pools, pool areas, playgrounds, neighborhood/community centers or tot lots at any time.
The resident will be asked to remove any pet that constantly disturbs other residents, whether inside or outside, or constitutes a problem or obstruction to the agents and employees of Property Management from properly performing their functions and responsibilities. If a resident fails to remove said pet following complaints from the residents and request from management staff, the resident occupancy agreement may be terminated.
Residents will be responsible for any damages to the yard due to excessive wear and tear caused by pets. Management will determine the degree of wear and tear and will be responsible for assessing damage charges.
These policies are to be strictly observed and will be enforced by management staff. We hope all residents understand that these policies have been made for their pleasure and convenience in order for this property to maintain a reputation of quality living. Help us to maintain this reputation. The management team reserves the right to make such other reasonable policies as shall, in the judgment of management, from time to time become necessary to protect the care and cleanliness of the premises and for the preservation of good order.