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Legal Assistance
1520 Freedman Drive
Suite 136
Frederick, MD 21702
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Legal assistance is available to you and your family. Below, you’ll find information about claims and installation specific programs and services. If you have questions, reach out to the legal assistance program at your installation.
The Legal Assistance Office in the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, U.S. Army Medical Research Development Command and Fort Detrick, provides individual legal services to active-duty members of the uniform services, military retirees who are collecting retired military pay, and their eligible dependents. Members of the reserve component of the armed forces may receive individual assistance with legal issues pertaining to mobilization and deployment.
Types of Services
Legal assistance attorneys provide information and legal counsel to resolve personal issues on a variety of legal subjects and military personnel matters.
These include but not limited to:
Estate planning (wills, powers of attorney, and advanced medical directives)
Real estate and landlord-tenant law
Consumer affairs
Family law (divorce, paternity, custody and adoption)
Economic matters (personal contracts, indebtedness)
Immigration law
Civilian administrative matters (vehicle registration, drivers' license)
Attorneys negotiate and correspond to opposing parties on behalf of clients and draft documents, such as simple personal contracts. However, legal assistance attorneys do not draft court documents, appear in court or provide business or employment law advice. For adverse administrative actions, attorneys counsel soldiers on drafting rebuttals and appeals. Call 301-619-2221 to make an appointment with an attorney.
Power of Attorney/Notary Services
Power of attorney preparation and notary public services are available by appointment. To expedite the process, clients must call ahead with the information for the power of attorney. Clients must also ensure a notary is available
because there will need to be time to prepare the document. Clients must also ensure a notary is available.
Tax Services
The Office of the Staff Judge Advocate is no longer assisting with tax preparation. You can obtain free tax filing software and support, through Military OneSource ( militaryonesource.mil ) under MilTax.
Claims Service
The Claims Office is co-located with the legal assistance office at 1520 Freedman Drive, Room 117, Fort Detrick, MD 21702. The phone number is 301-619-2221. Individuals seeking to assert claims alleging that the Army engaged in conduct that caused those individuals harm may do so by filing a Standard Form 95. Service members who incurred damage to household goods in a military directed move may contact the Army’s centralized Center for Personnel Claims support [based at Fort Knox] via email at usarmy.knox.hqda-otjag.mbx.cpcs@army.mil. Additional information is available via the website https://www.jagcnet.army.mil/Apps/PCLAIMS/PCLAIMSPublic.nsf/xpPersonnel_Claim.xsp. In most cases service members incurring damage in a military directed move may have advantages to file their claim directly with the transportation service provider [the moving company] before filing with the Army. Legal Assistance Attorneys are not available to represent claimants.
Trial Defense Services
The Trial Defense Service provides attorneys to service members who are facing discipline under the Uniform Code of Military Justice or involuntary discharge under administrative procedure. Call for an appointment at 301-677-9218.
Hours of Operation (Legal Assistance & Claims Office)
The Legal Assistance and Claims Offices are located in Building 1520 Freedman Drive, Suite 117, Fort Detrick. Hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 11:30, then 1:30 pm. to 4:00 pm. Monday-Friday. The office is closed for lunch. The office's telephone number is 301-619-2221 or DSN 312-343-2221.
Release 2024.08.27.1