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Financial Readiness Program
Command Support Center
271 Heritage Park Lane
Building 35200
Fort Eisenhower, GA 30905
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Resources are available to help you understand and manage your finances, including one-on-one financial counseling to assist you and your family with financial readiness. Services are designed to focus on money management issues throughout your active-duty lifecycle and into retirement. Financial readiness educational opportunities range from basic planning to long-term investing. Check out the information below to see what’s available at your installation.
For those families experiencing financial difficulty, the Financial Readiness Program is prepared to assist them in establishing a realistic budget. Information and literature on a variety of consumer-related issues, including processing of consumer complaints, are available.
Some units require that junior enlisted soldiers wishing to move off-post with family members have a budget prepared by ACS. This requirement is met through regularly-scheduled work sessions; contact ACS for date, time and location. Other financial readiness classes are also provided, including basic budgeting and financial management.
When planning your travel, you should request an advance on your PCS entitlements as soon as your finance office allows.
We do not recommend using an advance base pay to help finance your move unless it is absolutely necessary. Advance base pays are usually repaid by collecting from your pay for the next 12 months, reducing your pay at a time when your financial situation may be shaky due to the cost of moving.
The Augusta area is not considered a high cost area in regard to housing. Prices are generally lower than in many parts of the country. Many incoming personnel are pleasantly surprised with how much they can get for their housing dollar. Just about every type of housing is available in the area. Homes are available for purchase in many price ranges, depending upon the geographic location and the age of the neighborhood.
Fort Eisenhower lies in Richmond County near the border with Columbia County. In general, Columbia County homes are newer and more expensive. Columbia County is more recently developed, with newer schools and other government infrastructure. Keep in mind that newer buildings come with a bigger tax bite, so expect to pay more property tax in some areas.
Rents vary widely, ranging from $650-1200 per month. Be wary of any apartments with rents significantly lower than others in the same area. Mobile homes are also available, and are usually furnished. There are very few furnished apartments, and the ones that are available typically cost at least $1200 per month. Security Deposits range from none to one month's rent. Pet deposits range from $100 to $300 per pet, nonrefundable, typical 25 lbs limit.
Before purchasing or renting, be sure to check into utilities. There are two electric companies serving the area; their deposits and policies are very different. Natural gas service is deregulated and offered by several companies.
For those active duty or retired military families who find themselves in unexpected, emergency financial situations, the Army Emergency Relief Program stands ready to assist them with an interest free loan or outright grant. The program also provides assistance to spouses and orphans of deceased service members. Active duty soldiers should apply to Army Emergency Relief through their unit commanders. If you have a financial emergency while en route, you can get help at any nearby military installation or by calling the Red Cross at 1-877-272-7337.
Release 2024.08.27.1