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Child & Youth Services (CYS)
Novosel Street
Building 5700, RM. 193
Fort Novosel, AL 36362
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Programs and services are available at most installations for children up to age 12. Care may be provided in Child Development Centers, School Age Care Programs, and Family Child Care Homes. Please review the information to find out what programs and services are available at this installation. Please contact the Child and Youth Program point of contact at this installation if you require information, assistance or resources for child care in your local community.
The Fort Novosel CDC offers full-day care for children 6 weeks - kindergarten age. The center offers trained staff, balanced meals, and age-appropriate developmental activities.
Please call for the latest information at the number listed below.
For more information call 334-255-2262 or visit: https://novosel.armymwr.com/programs/child-development-center-cdc
FCC is located in Bldg 132, 334-255-3446, Office Hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Family Child Care homes are an integral part of CYS. These on post homes offer child care services to children whose parents have irregular duty hours, children who need small group settings, and those preferring care in a home setting. Family Child Care homes offer alternative care options for needs that cannot be easily met in center-based programs. Many prefer FCC due to its home atmosphere where care is provided for no more than 6 children. All Family Child Care Providers must register with CYS and be certified prior to opening their home for childcare. Certification classes are held at least quarterly. Please call for more information concerning becoming a Family Child Care Provider.
Family Child Care users must register with CYS. Parents can pick up names of potential providers from CYS Parent Central Services. The providers and parents are required to sign a contract agreeing on hours of care to be provided and terms of payment. We recommend that parents receive an orientation from the Family Child Care Director prior to signing a legally binding contract with an individual provider.
For more information visit: https://novosel.armymwr.com/programs/family-child-care
The Child Development Center offers full-day, hourly care, and part-day toddler and preschool programs. The Center offers trained staff, balanced meals, and age-appropriate developmental activities. Before and after school child care is also offered for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten-aged children with a full day camp program offered in the summer
Part-Day Program
Children who are 2-3 years old are eligible for enrollment in the part-day toddler program. Children who are 3 - 5 years old and potty trained are eligible for enrollment in the part-day preschool program. This program offers 2, 3, or 5 day sessions. Morning session is from 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Pre-K Program
This program offers before and after school care for children who attend the half-day pre-kindergarten program at the Fort Novosel Primary School. Full day care is provided when schools are on vacation.
Please call 334-255-0551 for the latest information on hourly care
Full Day Care
The Fort Novosel CDC offers full-day care for children 6 weeks - preschool age. The center offers trained staff, balanced meals, and age-appropriate developmental activities. Patron fees are determined by the total family income as directed by the Army CYS Fee Policies and Guidance. Our CDC is certified by the Department of Defense and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Before & After School
SAS is located in Bldg 2806, 7th and Division Rd., 334-255-9108/9127, Monday - Friday, 5:30 a.m. - 8 a.m. & 2:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.
SAS offers a Before & After School program for 1st thru 5th graders during the school year. Activities include use of homework center and computer lab. During school vacation periods, SAS offers full day camp. Full day session times are 5:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Framework for the SAS program includes the following areas: Sports & Fitness; Leisure & Recreation; Life Skills & Citizenship; and Mentoring & Support. Breakfast, lunch and a snack are served. Patron fees are based on total household income as directed by the Army CYSS Fee Policies and Guidance. After school CYSS bus transportation is available on a space available basis from elementary schools and Dauphin Junior High School in Enterprise. After school CYSS bus transportation is also available on a space available basis from Ozark elementary and middle schools. Daleville and Fort Novosel Schools provide bus service to our facility.
For more information please visit: https://novosel.armymwr.com/categories/cys-services
SAC is located in Bldg 2806, 7th and Division Rd., 334-255-9108/9127, Monday through Friday, 5:30 to 8 a.m. & 2:30 to 6 p.m.
SAC offers a Before & After School program for 1st thru 5th graders during the school year. Activities include use of homework center and computer lab. During school vacation periods, SAC offers full day camp. Full day session times are 5:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Framework for the SAC program includes the following areas: Sports & Fitness; Leisure & Recreation; Life Skills & Citizenship; and Mentoring & Support. Breakfast, lunch and a snack are served. Patron fees are based on total household income as directed by the Army CYSS Fee Policies and Guidance.
Parent Central Services is located in Bldg 5700, RM. 193, Phone: 334-255-9638, Fax: 334-255-0540. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday 7:30 a.m. -5 p.m. Outreach Services Director/PCS Manager: Phone: 344-255-2958, Fax: 344-255-0540. Patrons who plan to use any CYSS program should register their child at the CYSS Parent Central Services office. Effective January 1, 2008 annual registration fees are waived under the Army Family Covenant (AFC) for all children and Families registering for Child, Youth & School Services (transferable from installation to installation with appropriate documentation of enrollment status).
The following information is required when registering:
(DA Form 5305-R) is required.
*Your child’s CYSS registration file can be uploaded upon your departure from any garrison and then downloaded upon your arrival at Fort Novosel.
For more information visit: https://novosel.armymwr.com/programs/cys-services