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School Liaison
Novosel Street
132 6th street
Building 132 Room 118
Fort Novosel, AL 36362
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Fort Novosel offers a variety of educational opportunities. Students who live in permanent on post housing will attend Fort Novosel's Parker Elementary DDESS Schools on post for grades prekindergarten through the sixth grade.
Students who live off post will attend school in their communities:
Fort Novosel offers a variety of educational opportunities. Students who live in permanent on post housing will attend Fort Novosel Ellis D. Parker Elementary DDESS Schools on post for grades prekindergarten through the sixth grade. Students who live off post will attend school in their communities.
Beginning in the seventh grade students and their families who live on post may choose to attend Daleville, Enterprise or Ozark City Schools. All of the above school systems provide free bus transportation from all housing areas on post. The choice is up to each student's family. Daleville, Enterprise and Ozark City School Systems are all on the block scheduling system for high school.
Daleville, Enterprise, Ft. Novosel and Ozark schools are signatories to the Military Child Education Coalition Memorandum of Agreement. As signatories, all of these systems have agreed to provide student mentors or sponsors to newly arriving students on a one to one basis in order to get new students incorporated as participating members of their new student body as quickly and comfortably as possible. Please ask the Guidance Counselor for this service when you register with any of these schools. You may also contact the School Liaison Officer at 334-255-9812 for assistance in this area.
For High School Students transferring to the Ft. Novosel area during the school year coming from schools with a traditional six or seven period day you will need to know the following:
All local schools will work with you to avoid loss of credit while transferring from a six or seven period day to schools with block schedules. However New Brockton High School is the nearest school to Ft. Novosel with a six period day. It takes about twenty-five minutes to drive to New Brockton from housing areas on Ft. Novosel. At present there is no bus transportation from New Brockton.
High School Graduation Information
All units listed are Carnegie Units which are equal to a class that lasts at least 140 clock hours. Locally classes can either be 1 semester block scheduled (144 hrs.) or 2 semester regular scheduled (168 hrs.) to earn one Carnegie Unit. Of the local schools only the Coffee County Schools, the nearest of which is located in New Brockton, offer a traditional six period day. The number of Carnegie Credits needed to graduate from local high schools varies from 25-32 credits.
Daleville HS grades 9-12, Enterprise HS grades 9-12 and Carroll HS (Ozark) grades 9-12. New Brockton High School is 9-12.
School SafetyThe safety record of the public schools in the Fort Novosel is available on the Alabama State Department of Education web site. Select "reports" on the menu-select by school system. On the next screen toggle reports at the top and system, then select either Daleville, Enterprise or Ozark City School System. Select the most recent report card, hit continue. You can go to the previous page and select by school and get a report on each school also. On the lower left side of the first page of each report is the safety and discipline section that covers school safety. School administrators are required by law to report incidents.
Violence is not tolerated in these schools. The rate of reported incidents at public schools in the Fort Novosel area is less than one incident per hundred thousand student days.
To register a child at any of these schools you will need the following documents:
Register your child at the school they will attend. If you do not know which school that is or have other questions, contact the School Liaison Officer 334-255-9812.
To enroll a student in local public Kindergarten Program, a child must be 5 years of age on or before September 2 of the present school year. For First Grade, a child must be 6 years of age on or before September 2.
Entrance RequirementsDODEA has changed its Early Child Hood Education programs entrance requirements for all DOD Schools for Calendar Year 2009-2010. Age requirements are:
If you have any questions about exceptions, contact DODEA.
Special Needs
If your child has special needs, these services are available in any of these school systems. Please make these needs known at the time of registration so that you and your child will receive the best possible service from the beginning. Fort Novosel has a very active Exceptional Family Member Program. Schedule an Annual Review and Dismissal (ARD) meeting to discuss the progress your child has made since your last Individualized Educational Plan review. Request a copy of your child's IEP. Hand carry these records. The Army Community Service Exceptional Family Member Coordinator can be reached at 334-255-9277. She can assist you with identifying resources at your next duty station.
English as a Second Language
If your child's native language is not English, there is some limited help available through the public schools. This help may be an hour or less per day with a teacher trained in this area, but not necessarily a person who speaks your child's language. There is also some help available to all interested parties through local churches and Enterprise-Ozark Community College.
There is an active group of home school families on Fort Novosel. For further information go to the school liaison services website.
School Liaison contact number: 334-255-9812 or visit : Army CYS services (armymwr.com).
The Fort Novosel Elementary School is part of the Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools system. They are fully accredited with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) a nationally recognized accrediting agency.
The school participates and offers free / reduced-meal program.
Bus transportation is available for students attending the Elementary School. There is also an extensive network of paved bike and jogging trails throughout all of the housing areas where students can and do ride bicycles to school.
A child must have attained their fourth, fifth or sixth birthday on or before September 1 to be enrolled in the prekindergarten, kindergarten or first grade respectively. In the Pre-kindergarten age groups there are two class sessions that last two and a half hours daily from 8:30 a.m. -11 a.m. and for 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. There are no fees for this service and bus transportation is available.
To be eligible to enroll a child in either school on post, sponsors must be assigned to permanent on post housing or have a letter from Picerne Military Housing, our RCI partners, that says it is anticipated that the Soldier's Family will be assigned to housing within one hundred eighty days. This is not a local policy and local authorities are not authorized to make exceptions.
Registration is continuous all year except school holidays. To register you will need the following documents:
Fort Novosel Schools Website.