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Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Service providers are available with support both before and after a PCS move. Learn more about how to put the military’s relocation assistance program to work for you. See below for an overview of Military and Family Support Center Relocation Assistance services. Services vary by installation, so check the “Other” section below to see what other services are available at your location.
Your Military and Family Support Center provides relocation assistance to help make PCS moves as smooth as possible. Resources include:
The Army Community Service Relocation Readiness Program offers services for newly arriving soldiers and their family members. Program services, which include the Lending Closet, are specially designed to make the transition into our community an easier, more pleasant experience.
The RRP office hosts the Newcomers' Welcome for newly arriving soldiers and their families the 2nd Friday of each month at 9 a.m. at The Landing in Building 113.
Enterprise State Community College campus in Enterprise, Alabama offers English as a Second Language courses on Wednesdays.
The RRP office provides for the following: pre-move and post-move briefings, Lending Closet items, and overseas briefings for Korea, Germany, Alaska and Hawaii.
Additionally, the RRP office will assist military spouses with information on their permanent residence and citizenship applications when necessary.
The RRP staff offers a monthly Relocation Readiness Workshop or will sit down with you one-on-one for relocation consultation. Any concerns you have should be discussed, so you will not continue to worry. You may sign up for the workshop or make an appointment by calling 334-255-3735.
The RRP staff organizes the Hearts Apart Program, a support group for families of soldiers who are deployed, on extended temporary duty travel or on unaccompanied tours of duty.
Soldiers and families should be aware that Fort Novosel does not have a public laundromat. Washers and dryers are available to those soldiers and family members staying in IHG Army Lodging. All Corvias Military Housing residents are welcome to use the coin laundry at the Bowden Terrace Community Center.
Relocation Assistance
Spouses and family members of incoming soldiers should visit the ACS located at the Soldier Service Center, Building 5700, rooms 177 and 350. If arriving for in-processing after duty hours, soldiers should call 334-255-3100 for further instructions. ACS offers many services and activities for families transitioning to U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence including the ACS Lending Closet, welcome packet, employment opportunities, support groups, various workshops and a host of other important information, activities and services. Please make ACS one of your first stops at Fort Novosel and let us become connected to you and your family. ACS is open Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Call us for directions or for more information at 334-255-3161/3735, DSN 312-558-3161/3735.
Release 2024.08.27.1