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Legal Assistance
Novosel Street
Building 5700, Room 320
Fort Novosel, AL 36362-5000
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Legal assistance is available to you and your family. Below, you’ll find information about claims and installation specific programs and services. If you have questions, reach out to the legal assistance program at your installation.
The Fort Novosel Legal Assistance Office is staffed with Army judge advocates and civilian and military legal assistants.
Call 334-255-3482 for more information or visit the Legal Assistance Office online.
The Legal Assistance Office provides legal advice and assistance to eligible clients. The LAO reviews correspondence on behalf of clients to or from governmental agencies, private businesses or private individuals. The LAO prepares or reviews legal documents including but not limited to: wills; powers of attorney; living wills; healthcare powers of attorney; bills of sale; simple affidavits; leases; promissory notes; adoption proceedings; name changes; uncontested divorces; and separation agreements.
LAO also prepares and review petitions to the Army Review Boards Agency, rebuttal statements or appeals for FLIPLs, officer evaluation reports, officer or NCO evaluation reports, administrative reprimands, or other documents in connection with other military administrative actions.
To make an appointment with the Legal Assistance Office, call 334-255-3482.
Eligible Clients:
Special Victim's Counsel (SVC) Progam
Among the Army’s efforts to combat sexual assault in the ranks, the Special Victim Counsel Program was developed to strengthen the support of victims of sexual assault and enhance their rights within our military justice system, while neither causing unreasonable delay nor infringing upon the rights of an accused. The role of a Special Victim Counsel is to zealously represent the client's interests throughout the military justice process.
Special Victim Counsel are legal assistance attorneys who have received special training and are designated by the Judge Advocate General to serve as a SVC. Special Victim Counsel will provide zealous representation to clients. Constrained only by ethical limits, SVCs shall represent the best interests of their clients as appropriate even when their client’s interest do not align with those of the government of the United States. A SVC’s primary duty is to his/her client and no other person, organization or entity
All military household good claims will be processed by the Center of Personnel Claims Support, located at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Their office may be reached at 502-624-6913.
The Claims Office investigates and processes tort claims filed against the government and pursues recoveries from third parties on behalf of the U.S. Army and USAACE. The Claims Office also prepares litigation reports and responsive pleadings for the U.S. Attorney and the Army Litigation Division when cases go to federal court.