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Fleet and Family Support Center
10651 E Street
Building H-100 4th Deck
NASCC, TX 78419
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
You may be expecting your first baby or busy with a toddler. That probably means you have your hands full, and may have questions. Thankfully, help is at hand.
The New Parent Support Program is a free service that helps military parents, including expectant parents, transition successfully into parenthood and provide a nurturing environment for their children. Services vary, but may include home visits, parenting classes, playgroups or prenatal classes.
The New Parent Support Program is a team made up of nurses, social workers and home visitation specialists who offer support and guidance by helping parents:
Learn more about the New Parent Support Program and contact your installation New Parent Support Program office to find out what’s available at your installation.
The New Parent Support Home Visitation Program is an early intervention service for families who are expecting or have one or more children under the age of 4. The program is designed to meet the needs of expectant active-duty military service members, their spouses and other dependents. It offers comprehensive early intervention services that include maternal and infant health education, parent and child bonding techniques, positive parenting practices, child development and child safety education. The New Parent Support Home Visitation Program enhances a military family's quality of life by empowering them to meet the challenges of parenthood while maintaining a military lifestyle. For more information call 361-961-2368.
Infant massage teaches parents to understand their babies' cues and learn new strategies to relieve their babies' discomfort while strengthening parent and child bonding.
Parenting can be fun! Childhood is a special time of watching a young life grow, exploring and finding excitement in many things. In this program, parents will experience fun, closeness and enjoyment in growing together. A home visitor assesses each family, so sessions can be tailor-made to fit individual interests and needs. Parents and their children receive a sequence of lessons and activities in home-based sessions. The home visitor works with each family, promoting positive parent-child relationships, improving parental knowledge and skills and fostering healthy child development. The program partners with other key community services, such as community health agencies, hospitals, social workers and educators to provide a rich and comprehensive resource base for families.
New Parent Support Program staff are child development professionals, including registered nurses, clinical social workers, and para-professionals trained in the delivery and practice of established home visiting models. The program is supervised and monitored at the installation level by the Family Advocacy program manager.
The program is available to military families who are expecting a baby or have children age 3 or younger. Marine Corps eligibility includes families with at least one child under 5.
Contact your installation New Parent Support Program office or Family Advocacy Program office.
Contact your local Fleet and Family Support Center to find out more about home visitation and related resources in your area. If a home visitor is available, he or she will screen your family and determine what resources would be the best fit. If a home visitor is not available, the Fleet and Family Support Center can offer information and referral resources in your community. For more information, visit the Navy New Parent Support Program Overview. Call: 361-961-2368
The Navy New Parent Support Program home visitor team includes educators with experience in maternal and infant child health, child development, OB-GYN, pediatrics or other public health professions. Home visitors have a bachelor's or equivalent degree in education, nursing, social work, marriage and family therapist or child and family-related studies, and many have additional training.
All home visitors have been trained to deliver the Nurturing Parenting Program©. This program has been empirically proven to help new parents learn positive and fun strategies that make families successful. The author and creator of this program, Stephen Bavolek, Ph.D., has consulted with the Navy New Parent Support Home Visitation Program to develop materials and information relevant to today's military family. Dr. Bavolek personally teaches the Nurturing Parenting Program© philosophy and program to Navy home visitors so they can best serve military families.
Our New Parent Support is a metro area program located at Fleet & Family Support Center, Naval Air Station Corpus Christi which also provides services for families from assigned to NAS Kingsville. The program is FREE to all new and expectant parents of infants from birth to three years of age and who are eligible for services at a Military Treatment Facility. Some of the New Parent Support services include: pre-natal and post-natal education and support, administration of parenting assessment tools, telephone consults, home visits, and referrals to providers of services as necessary.
For enrollment or more information contact New Parent Support 361-961-2368 or DSN 312-861-2368.
Release 2024.08.27.1