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Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
This area boasts an excellent education system. There are many public, religious private, and non-denominational private schools. School districts in this area include:
*National Average SAT Scores: Verbal 424 Math 478
Pupil/Teacher ratio is 15/1.
Send a “Letter of intent to home school” to: Assistant Superintendent, 3 Blue Streak Blvd Saratoga Springs, NY 12866; 518-583-4474 (or to school district in which you reside).
Letter should have parent and child’s name, grade level, and contact info. The School District will then mail you a packet with forms to fill out. An Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP) must be completed for each child and returned to the school district. Activities such as school sports, band, cheer leading, etc. are not available for Home Schooled Children in the Saratoga Springs School District. Further info can be found on the State Education Department’s website. The Commissioner of New York State Education Regulation 100.10 is the guiding document and is available at this website.
For Adult Education see Education - Training (College/Technical).
There are no on-base DODDS schools at this installation.
This area boasts an excellent education system. There are many public, religious private, and non-denominational private schools. The public schools have free bus transportation and provide transportation to some of the private schools.
The Fleet and Family Support Center has statistical information available for the Capital District Region schools.
State Accreditation -- Meets all State requirements.
Number of Schools in Saratoga -- One High School, One Middle school, and 6 Elementary schools.
Bus Service -- Students attending the Saratoga Springs schools are eligible for transportation if they live more than three-tenths of a mile from school in kindergarten through third-grade, one-half mile from school in grades four through eight, or one mile from school in grades nine through 12. Students attending private or parochial schools are eligible for transportation if they live within 15 miles of the school they are attending. Specific information on bus schedules can be obtained from the respective school principals or by calling the transportation department at 518-587-4545.
Bus Safety -- Buses in the Saratoga Springs City School District are equipped with safety devices including back-up alarms, crossing arms, flashing stop signs, flashing red lights front and rear, inside speakers, and seat belts. All buses are inspected regularly. Bus drivers are required to have a physical examination at least annually and undergo periodic in-service training.
To help ensure a safe ride to and from school, elementary students in the district participate in a bus safety program that includes procedures for arriving and waiting at the bus stop, boarding and exiting the bus and crossing the street, and emergency evacuation and safe riding rules.
Meals -- Hot and cold lunches are served in all schools. Breakfast is also available in all schools. The school district provides free and reduced price meals to children from eligible families. If you have questions or require further assistance, please call 518-583-4704.
Before and After School Programs -- The school district offers a variety of programs to enrich the educational experience of students seeking expanded academic challenges. The district screens students at specified grade levels to identify those with high potential for academic excellence. Among the enrichment programs, most of which are available to the general school population, are the following:
For more information, please call the Director for District Assessment and Staff Development, 518-583-4725.
School Sports Programs -- Football, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Field Hockey, Golf, Girls Tennis, Boys Volleyball, Girls Volleyball, Girls Swimming, Cheerleading, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Gymnastics, Girls Bowling, Boys Bowling, Ice Hockey, Boys Swimming, Girls Indoor Track, Boys Indoor Track, Girls Alpine Skiing, Boys Alpine Skiing, Baseball, Softball, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Boys Track, Girls Track, Boys Tennis.
Special Education
The Saratoga Springs City School District provides comprehensive special education programs and services for all students with educational disabling conditions between the ages of three and 21. Both in-district and out-of-district programs are made available to students depending on their individual needs, as determined by the Committee on Special Education. Students with disabilities aged birth to five are eligible for enrollment in county programs in conjunction with the district's Committee on Preschool Education. If you are inquiring about Specialized Education for school age students, please contact your school district office.
Diagnostic Services
Special education teachers, speech/language, physical and occupational therapists, nurses and school psychologists are among the specialists who serve all the schools to ensure that special needs of students are met. In addition, the middle school and high school have student advocates who work directly with students to address their concerns. The school psychologist's main function is to assist children having learning and/or behavior difficulties. The psychologist works with students, teachers and parents in determining the cause of the difficulty, and recommends ways to assist school adjustment and the learning process.
Exceptional Children Programs
The Saturday Scholars program for second- through seventh-graders who score at or above the 95th percentile on standardized tests.