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School Liaison
Building 4260, Gigling Road
Ord Military Community
Seaside, CA 93955
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Elementary and middle school on post operated by Monterey Peninsula Unified School District. MPUSD has 11 elementary schools, 4 middle schools, and three high schools. There are seven additional school districts in the area. COVID Mandates are in effect; Please contact the School Liaison Officer at 831-242-6904 for more detailed information.
California public schools serve the USAG Presidio of Monterey and Defense Language Institute. There are no Department of Defense Education Activity schools in the area. The Monterey Peninsula Unified School District serves all military housing areas and the cities of Monterey, Seaside, Del Rey Oaks, Marina and Sand City. Additionally, Pacific Grove Unified, Carmel Unified, Washington Union, Spreckles, Salinas, and North Monterey County School Districts serve the surrounding area. For links to all local school districts go to the Monterey School Liaisonhttps://www.army.mil/info/organization/presidio and click on the Finding a School link.
Private, alternative and home schooling is available in the area. There are no Magnet Schools; however there are charter schools. There is a military home school support group for the Monterey area. Contact the school liaison officer at 831-242-6904 for further information.
The MPUSD has 10 elementary, 4 middle schools and 4 high schools (one being an alternative school for credit recovery) serving approximately 11,250 students. Current student/teacher ratio is 24.96/1 in Kindergarten, 31/1 in 1st – 3rd grades, and 30+/1 in all other grades. Each school is accredited by the California Department of Education and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
Entrance Requirements
Students attending MPUSD must live in the attendance area or apply and be approved for an inter-district transfer.
Age requirements are:
There are no exceptions to this policy unless a student transfers mid-year or between Kindergarten and 1st grade from a state that has a later cut-off date and successfully completed kindergarten. Pre-school programs are available in some of the elementary schools but acceptance is based on family income or special needs.
Grading Scale
Grading system is based on California academic standards.
Standardized test – School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
Bus Transportation
Bus transportation is limited for Monterey Peninsula Unified School District students and is based on distance from school. Also, families are charged for transportation. Special Education transportation is provided free of charge and regardless of distance from school.
Lunch Program
Free or reduced lunch program is also available at school and is based on total family income.
Dress Code
There is a dress code for all area schools. Please refer to the school webpage for this information. For links to all local school districts, go to the Monterey School Liaison homepage and click on the Local School District link.
Before and After School Programs
Before and After School care for children in grades kindergarten through 5th grade, operates from 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. by Child, Youth & School Services (CYSS) at Porter Youth Center. The program provides breakfast and after school snacks. Activities consist of recreational sports, physical fitness, field trip, homework assistance, and a computer lab. SAS also provides full-time care when school is not in session (in-service days, spring and summer break). SAS also provides daily activities for children needing only intermittent care. Fore more information, call 831-242-7823.
Before and after school care is also offered at many school sites in the MPUSD.
School Sports
Sports at the middle school level in MPUSD is part of the after school care program. High school sports are available for students and may include: soccer, football, volleyball, basketball, hockey, tennis, wrestling, cheerleading and track & field.
Special Needs
Monterey Peninsula Unified School District Special Services requests that incoming military families with special needs children ages 3 years to high school contact the office and either fax or mail the child’s current IEP or other information that will help Special Services facilitate a smooth transition. (This is the school district that serves all military housing areas.) For more information contact 831-392-3827.