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Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Deployment can be a challenging phase of the military lifecycle, but it’s important to know that you don’t have to go through it alone. The military provides a variety of resources and support programs — ranging from educational briefings to morale calls — for your loved ones, children and service members to ease the stress of deployment. Military members may be assigned to a specific installation but support may come from local communities, Yellow Ribbon events or the installation itself.
Global Hearts Group: This is a valuable support program for family members of deployed, remote or temporary duty travel personnel who are separated due to military obligations. It provides an opportunity to share with other families in similar situations and to socialize/network with other adults and families.
Personal and Family Readiness Briefings: Be prepared for all facets of military life. The briefing provides preparation information and assistance to individuals and/or families who are going remote, TDY or on deployment. Briefings are held each Monday at 1:30 p.m., except holidays. Call to schedule. Spouses are encouraged to attend. One-on-one briefings are available if you are unable to attend the weekly briefing. Call 805-606-0039 to schedule an appointment.
Deployed family events/activities: Monthly events/activities are held at various locations by generous units and local community partners. This is a perfect opportunity for families to connect with others in the same situation. Children's activities are also available.
Care packages: Squadron and family members have access to prepare a care package for their deployed loved ones at the Airman and Family Readiness Center. The care package room is filled with approved items – all for free. Shipping supplies are also available; all you do is pay the flat-rate shipping cost.
Weekly emails: Weekly emails are sent to keep families informed about ongoing helping agency programs and services.
Military and Family Life counselors: Counselors are available to assess and deliver short-term, solution-focused, nonmedical counseling for service members, family members and groups. Discuss issues on deployment/reintegration, marriage and relationship, stress and anxiety, communication challenges, daily life issues, depression, parenting/sibling and family issues. The Military and Family Life consultant is located in Building 10122 and can be reached at 805-606-0039.
Release 2024.08.27.1