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Air Force
Welcome Center (Check-in Point)
4185 Logistics Avenue
Bldg. 286, Area A
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-5519
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When you arrive at your new installation, you’ll need to follow installation-specific procedures. Each installation and service handles in-processing differently. Here, you can find installation-specific guidelines and a list of documents to bring with you when checking- in. Reach out to the contacts provided if you have specific questions.
There is a 24-hour arrival point on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Information will be provided concerning your unit orderly room, temporary base lodging and meals. All officers and accompanied enlisted members in need of in-processing information from the 24-hour arrival point should report to the Visiting Quarters, Area A, Building 825, 937-257-3451, DSN 312-787-3451, using Gate 12A. If you do not need the assistance of the 24-hour arrival point, then report directly to the unit orderly room to which you are assigned.
Signing in from a PCS is no longer required. Members of Air Force Reserve components must report to the location specified on their orders.
All new AD members assigned to Wright-Patterson AFB will need to contact TRICARE Humana East Managed Care Support Contractor at 800-444-5445 and request enrollment for their family and self upon assignment to Wright-Patterson AFB. The 88th Medical Group cannot directly enroll personnel. After getting a primary care manager assigned, please call our 88th Medical Group Admissions and Dispositions office at 937-257-9183 and provide updated contact information by letting A&D know you are newly assigned to Wright Patterson AFB.
If you have a family member enrolled to the Exceptional Family Member Program or would like to be screened, please call 937-257-5938. Additional information on the 88th Medical Group and TRICARE Humana East MCSC will be provided at Base Wright-Start. Welcome to the 88th Medical Group, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio.
If you have any questions contact the Military and Family Readiness Center at Wright Patterson AFB OH, 937-257-3592.
Command Sponsorship
Authorized only in those areas that haven’t been identified as dependent restricted by DODD 1315.7
Basically, command sponsorship means the dependents can travel with their sponsor and upon arrival housing is available and the dependents are authorized to use the medical facilities, dental facilities, commissary and any other support facilities. The dependents are authorized by the AF to be at that location.
Impact if dependents accompany the sponsor and are not command sponsored:
If you get married before you PCS you must inform your Commander and follow the procedures exactly as you are given. The military will not pay for travel and housing of your spouse if you do not follow proper procedures. For more information you can call your local Military Personnel Flight or the MPF at your gaining base- Wright- Patterson AFB MPF 937-522-3664 or DSN 312-672-3664.
Release 2024.08.27.1