To provide the highest quality operating environment for all using activities; operate and maintain facilities and assigned aircraft; furnish a full range of vital support services; nurture the quality of life; protect the natural environment; conduct proactive community relations; and to provide America with the best trained, best led, best supported armed forces capable of operating anytime, anywhere - to fight, win and survive.
Preparedness requires effort from the surrounding community...government and non-government affiliated...as well. Nowhere does this team function more effectively than at Cherry Point.
Our major tenants are the 2D Marine Aircraft Wing; Fleet Readiness Center (FRC) East and the Cherry Point Naval Health Clinic.
The Air Station has enjoyed a history steeped in a successful relationship with the surrounding eastern North Carolina communities since 1942, with its tenant aircraft wings - first the 3dMAW, then the 9thMAW, and finally the 2dMAW - and with the Naval Aviation Depot from 1946 to the present. Units and personnel training at Cherry Point have performed with distinction in every major world event including World War II, Korean War, Lebanon, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Dominican Republic, the Vietnam War, Grenada, Panama, Desert Storm, and Afghanistan as well as numerous humanitarian relief operations. For more information, please visit our homepage.
- 6,832 Active Duty personnel
- 2,273 Reserve/Guard personnel
- 7,446 Family Members
- 5,356 Civilian Employees
- 3,700 Permanent Contractors
- 12,547 Retirees
Based of the FY21 Economic Impact Brochure
According to the US Census data, Havelock has an estimated population of approximately 16,188 residents (as of July 1 2022).
Population Type | MCAS Cherry Point Personnel |
Active Duty, Reserve, Guard | 9,105 |
Family Members | 7,446 |
Retirees | 12,547 |
Civilian Employees | 5,356 |
Permanent Contactors | 3,700 |
Total Population | 38,154 |
*Based on the FY21 Economic Impact Brochure
MCAS Cherry Point is located on the eastern side of North Carolina within the town of Havelock. The city of Havelock is definitely a military town and has grown in leaps and bounds over the last 10 years. Residents are lucky in that they are very close to the beautiful waters of Atlantic Beach and proud to be part of the Crystal Coast.
Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Cherry Point is home to the 2D Marine Aircraft Wing and to the Marine Corps' Fleet Readiness Center (FRC) East which performs work on aircraft and aircraft components used by the Marine Corps, Navy, and other services. Other major tenants are the Naval Clinic Combat Service Support Group-21 (CSSD-21). The base operator's phone number is 252-466-2811.
From Coastal Carolina Regional Airport (EWN)
- Drive east on Hwy 70 to Havelock, about 16 miles.
From I-95
- Take Smithfield exit and head east on Hwy 70 to Havelock, about 108 miles.
From Hwy 17
- Turn onto Hwy 70 East in New Bern.
Coastal Carolina Regional Airport (EWN) is located in New Bern NC, which is 18 miles from Cherry Point. There will be taxi's and rental cars available at the airport. Follow driving directions above.
Cherry Point is located approximately 20 miles west of Morehead City/Atlantic Beach off of Highway 101 and 16 miles east of New Bern. Located in Craven County, it is surrounded by Carteret, Pamlico, and Jones counties.
All newcomers should plan to meet their sponsor at the Welcome Center, B-251 Main Gate at Hwy 101 & Roosevelt. Newcomers should check in at the Welcome Center upon arrival for duty at Cherry Point to receive assistance.
Base Transportation
MCAS Cherry Point does not currently offer public transportation aboard the installation.
Contact Information
The Base Operator can be reached at: 252-466-2811