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Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
If you’ve ever considered taking your education a step further, you should look to your installation for more information and assistance. They can help you decide if receiving an advanced degree is right for you, tell you which local colleges and classes are offered and find out if you’re eligible for tuition assistance. The Voluntary Education Center, or Installation Education Center, is available to help you put together a plan to advance your education.
Military spouses can also choose to engage with an education and career coach through the DoD’s Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program, or SECO. These coaches can assist them in exploring multiple tools, resources and information to reach their educational goals. To contact a career coach call 800-342-9647 or visit https://myseco.militaryonesource.mil.
Delta College provides opportunities for all adults, continuing education. Some of the services available include: education/career counseling, tuition assistance, MOS evaluations, testing services, and courses in remedial reading, writing, and mathematics. Specific programs offered include: Read to Lead Program, AFCT Test Taking Strategies Course, General Equivalency Diploma (GED), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), General and Subject Exams, College Admission Testing, SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, Certification Exams, PRAXIS PPST (Core and Subject),. A self-paced, computer based, self-instruction system for learning about computers is offered as well as Computer-Based Instruction/Tutorials and Video Programs.
Please contact the Admissions Office if you have any questions or comments, Delta College Admissions Office - 5151 Pacific Ave., Stockton, CA 95207, 209-954-5151.
Notre Dame de Namur University has a local campus in Tracy, CA. You can obtain a bachelors, master's, or various credentials helping to further your career goals. The campus is located at 902 Central Ave, Ste 1, Tracy, CA 95376, 209-833-5020.