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Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When you arrive at your new installation, you’ll need to follow installation-specific procedures. Each installation and service handles in-processing differently. Here, you can find installation-specific guidelines and a list of documents to bring with you when checking- in. Reach out to the contacts provided if you have specific questions.
New arrivals and visitors to Fort Huachuca should enter the installation through the Van Deman gate, The Van Deman Gate Welcome Center is open 24 hours a day. The center can provide information on where to locate troop units and general information about the installation along with a map to guide visitors to their destination.
New arrivals start in-processing at their respective units or activities. The unit will make an appointment for Soldiers to process through the Personnel Processing Center briefing held on Wednesdays from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Murr Community Center, building 51301, located on Cushing Street. The briefing offers one-stop service to all incoming permanent party Soldiers. Services include the processing of personnel records and travel pay and collection of medical and dental records as well as information overviews from the Soldier and Family Readiness Center, Army Education Center, Army Substance Abuse Program and Army Casualty Program. Newcomers will receive the mandatory Suicide Awareness and Prevention briefing. Spouses are encouraged to attend.
Officers should sign the register at the organization to which they have been assigned. Newly assigned enlisted Soldiers should report to the battalion or brigade S-1 of the unit to which they are assigned, during or after duty hours (please see chart below).
Individual reservists, regardless of rank, will report to the Mobilization and Military/Civilian Support Office in room B-20 of building 31122 (Alchesay Barracks) for in-processing on the first duty day after arrival. Pre-arrival coordination with the G-3 Reserve Support Office can be done by calling 520-533-6627, (during duty hours) or 520-533-2291, (after hours).
Where to report for sign-in
40th Signal Battalion
111th IM Brigade
304th MI Battalion
305th MI Battalion
309th MI Battalion
Soldiers must bring, all medical, dental, finance records and leave form to in-process at Fort Huachuca. Soldiers will receive briefings from all agencies on installation. Expect this to be an all day event. You must be in uniform to in-process.
Hand carry the following list of items: passports; immunization records; official birth, marriage, divorce, adoption or death certificates; wills; power of attorney; naturalization papers and complete information on citizenship proceedings; tax records and other documents necessary to file taxes; house and property deeds and associated paperwork; military records; bank books; savings bonds and other securities; Social Security cards; car titles and shipping papers; sales receipt for household furniture and other high value items and Household shipping inventories; and school records. You will also need your personnel, finance, medical and dental records. There may be other important papers that you will need to carry.
Make sure to submit a leave request prior to taking permissive leave for a house hunting trip.
Do not forget to contact your gaining unit to request a sponsor. A sponsor can save you time and assist you in the transition period. Sponsors provide accurate, timely information and other support needed to minimize problems with relocating. To get the benefits of the Sponsorship Program, soldiers must fill out the DA Form 5434 (Sponsorship Program Counseling and Information Sheet).
Temporary Lodging Reservations
Temporary lodging is available for both temporary duty and PCS personnel. Information and reservations may be obtained through Army Lodging by calling 520-533-2222. Reservations can be made up to one year in advance. Pets are allowed in all rooms; there is a fee for pets that is an out-of-pocket cost for the Soldier. PCS travelers have priority for lodging. For further information, please see review the Temporary Lodging topic.
Command Sponsorship
Prior to bringing your family, ensure that you are command sponsored; this will save you money as you will not be reimbursed for any costs incurred for them if you are not authorized movement of dependents.
If you get married before you PCS, you must inform your commander and follow the procedures exactly as you are given them. The military will not pay for travel and housing of your spouse if you do not follow proper procedures.
Release 2024.08.27.1