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Soldier & Family Readiness Center (SFRC)
Smith Street
Building 50010
Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
It’s likely that employment will change when a move occurs, especially for military spouses. The information below will provide you with employment assistance information and resources available such as SECO, MyCAA and MSEP Portals.
The job market is fairly competitive, and unemployment is 6.8%. Among the most positions are management, professional and related occupations at 33%. Sales and office occupations are at 28% and service occupations, at 21%. About 60% of workers in Sierra Vista, Arizona, work for companies, 31% work for the government and 5% are self-employed. The most common jobs are office and administrative positions and wages range from $12-$15 per hour. Construction jobs are available on a seasonal basis.
Health care professionals and para-professionals are in high demand as well as electronics and computer engineers and intelligence professionals. Federal positions on-post and those in the local and county government are in high demand due to the national economic situation. Prospects for employment on the installation are not high at the present time; however, contract positions on- and off-post are more attainable. The average salary for jobs in Sierra Vista is $41,544; the median income of households in the area is $60,121.
The Arizona Department of Commerce’s Workforce Development Program sponsors several programs that provide necessary training to meet unique industry standards and challenges. Programs available are the Arizona Job Training Program apprenticeship program and Arizona Workforce Connection. For more information, contact Workforce Development at 520-458-9309.
Employment opportunities on the installation are available through the non-appropriated fund Human Resource Office. For more information, call 520-533-5278. Additional information on employment can be obtained by contacting the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center at 520-533-5273.
For job hunting purposes, be sure to hand carry all employment records and documents, resumes, SF 50, transcripts, certificates and licenses.
Soldier For Life Transition Assistance program is the first stop for transitioning personnel. Telephone numbers are 520-533-7314, appointments 520-533-5764. ACAP has been developed to provide a comprehensive system to assist personnel leaving the Army with care and dignity while retaining quality. The program is targeted to serve the Army soldiers, civilians, and their family members. The Center is open 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 Monday through Thursday and from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Friday.
SFL-TAP staff evaluates clients' needs and prepares individualized transition plans. A pre-separation packet contains guidebooks which impart valuable information on transition services and benefits.
The SFL_TAP Center is a contractor-operated facility, and the Transition Services Manager oversees the SFL_TAP Center. This facility provides ongoing standardized job search skills training, individual assistance and counseling, workshops and seminars, and one-stop-job hunting activities. Individual counselors are available to provide personalized counseling as well as individual needs assessment. A reference library is available for use.
The SFL_TAP Center serves approximately 2,000 soldiers, civilians, and family members each year.
MG James Ursano Scholarship Program and Stateside Spouse Education Assistance Program applications are available on-line 1 Dec and are due the following March. Visit Army Emergency Relief for more details.
For information on MyCAA and Military Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, visit Military OneSource.
Spouse of Active Duty Soldiers that voluntarily left a job due to a military transfer can apply for Unemployment Benefits. The decision to grant or deny is on a case by case basis. For more information visit the Arizona unemployment website or call 520-459-3206.
The majority of jobs in the civilian sector are commission sales and entry-level service industry. Unemployment rate is 3.2%. Median household income is $60.121.