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Personal, Property, Processing, Office/Passenger Travel Office
Fort Huachuca-Transportation Office
Building 52065, Smith Avenue
Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When planning for a move with the military, you might consider moving into government housing. Government housing is owned and maintained by the Department of Defense and is typically on the installation. Eligibility and availability for this type of housing may vary by service member, family size and installation. Learn more about the different options, benefits and discounts that may be available to you through government housing.
Family Housing
On-post family housing is managed by Mountain Vista Communities (MVC) is committed to providing service members and their families with outstanding housing. MVC consists of one and two-story single-family homes and duplexes. Some homes on-post date from 1884 and are a part of the old Calvary Fort now listed as a state and national historic landmark.
Fort Huachuca family housing is privatized under the Residential Communities Initiative. The program’s goal is to improve the quality of life for military families by offering safe, affordable and attractive residential communities. MVC is performing various levels of renovations to existing homes in specific neighborhoods, along with several special projects that will enhance the community.
Michael’s Military Housing began its 50-year plan for the development, construction and operations of 1,064 privatized family housing units on Fort Huachuca in 2009. There are 636 homes designated for E1-E6 and 428 homes designated for E7 and above. Visit the Mountain Vista Communities webpage to learn more about floors plans and neighborhoods.
Check-in Procedures
All Military members with families are to report to the S1 at their gaining unit. Fort Huachuca homes are available to active duty military members with dependents, from all service branches assigned to Fort Huachuca.
As new families arrive at Fort Huachuca, they are directed to the housing office where they are greeted by a team of professionally trained housing counselors. Both Mountain Vista Communities and Housing Services Office are located at Building 52065, Smith Street. Normal operating hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The phone number for Mountain Vista Communities is 520-515-9000, and the Housing Services Office is 520-533-3611.
Pet Policy
All residents who own pets must complete a Pet and Service Animal Addendum. Registration with Fort Huachuca Veterinarian Treatment Facility (FHVTF) within five (5) business days of move-in is required and proof of registration must be provided to MVC by the resident. The FHVTF requires proof of vaccination and microchip for dogs and cats. Pets are defined as a dog, cat, bird, guinea pigs, hamsters or fish ordinarily kept in the house for pleasure or companionship, rather than commercial purposes. Animals trained and certified to assist handicapped residents are not considered to be pets but are considered service animals and are not limited by the restricted breed policy. Two pets per home are permitted and any additional pets will require an exception to policy. Fish, guinea pigs, caged birds and hamsters does not account against the two pet limit unless they are a hazard or nuisance.
No pet will be permitted in on-post housing that is included on the breed restriction list. Restricted breeds are defined as any dog of a breed (including a mixed breed) that is deemed “aggressive or potentially aggressive” unless the dog is a certified military working dog that is being boarded by its handler/trainer. Army policy defines aggressive or potentially aggressive breeds of dogs as Pit Bulls (American Staffordshire Bull Terriers or English Staffordshire Bull Terriers), Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, Chows, and wolf hybrids.
To view the entire Pet policy and our housing policies please visit the Mountain Vista Communities webpage.
Waiting Times
The waiting times for assignment to on-post housing varies by rank and bedroom requirements. Applicants are encouraged to apply up to 90 days prior to their anticipated arrival date. Once an application packet is received, a Leasing Specialist will be able to give more information on potential wait times for housing.
Resident Benefits
As a resident you may attend free monthly community events, enter to win prizes, participate in contests or even qualify for an educational grant through the Michaels Organization Educational Foundation. To date, over $321,000 has been awarded to 98 students residing with Mountain Vista Communities here at Fort Huachuca. In 2020, nine (9) Mountain Vista Communities residents were awarded funds for higher education totaling $42,500.
Visit the Mountain Vista Communities website to learn more about floor plans, download an Application for Housing, and view the Mountain Vista Communities policies in the MVC Resident Guidelines and Community Handbook. You are invited to submit questions, comments and suggestions via the website as well. Welcome Home!
Single Service Member Housing
Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH) is available for Single Soldiers in the grade of E-5 and below. E-4 and below share a latrine and kitchen area, but have private bedrooms. E-5 have the entire suite. For more information contact the Housing Service Office at 520-533-3534.
Mountain Vista Communities does not house Single Service Members.
Exceptional Family Member Housing
Currently, MVC has 39 homes that have been modified to accommodate the needs of ADA families. No priority policy for special needs exists; however, should available housing not contain adequate accessibility features, Mountain Vista Communities will work with the family to determine what reasonable accommodations can be made to improve accessibility. Structural modifications may be significantly limited in homes with historical designation. Service Members with exceptional family members will never be denied housing solely because the housing lacks accessibility features. The final decision to accept housing rests solely with the family. For questions or more information regarding Exceptional Family Member Housing, contact MVC at 520-515-9000.
Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH) barracks are available for Single Soldiers in the grade of E-5 and below. E-4 and below share a latrine and kitchen area but have private bedrooms. E-5’s have the entire suite. For more information contact the Barrack manager at 520-533-3534.
Soldiers in the grade of E-5 and below, are eligible to reside in UPH, as long as they are single. There are no unaccompanied quarters for enlisted Soldiers in the grade of E-6 and above or Officers.
Application Procedures
Obtaining a room in the Unaccompanied Personnel Housing (UPH) barracks can be done after arriving on the installation; no application process is available. Command will notify barracks manager when Soldier is eligible to reside in the barracks. For more information contact the Barracks manager at 520-533-3534.
Mobile Homes
There are currently no Mobile Home parks on the installation, however there are several in the local community.
Release 2024.08.27.1