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Air Force
Youth Center
98 Marrett St
Building 1993
Hanscom AFB, MA 01731
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
A wide range of programs are available for youth and teens, including youth sports and recreation programs, educational programs and programs that support leadership and career development. Please review the information to learn what programs and services are available at this installation.
The Youth Center offers the 4-H Babysitting course, and the Hanscom Spouses' Club keeps a list of youth and teens available for babysitting, lawn mowing, etc.
Hanscom AFB has a very active youth program. Contact the Youth Center, 781-225-6043, for details of options for school-age children, pre-teens and teens. Find us on Facebook: Hanscom AFB Youth Programs.
Youth Programs provides opportunities for youth to develop their physical, social, emotional and cognitive abilities and to experience leadership, enjoyment, friendship and recognition. Hanscom Youth Programs include the Youth Center and the School Age Program. Both programs are affiliated with Boys and Girls Clubs of America and 4-H. Youth Center sponsored activities include sports, recreational and instructional programs. The programs have various age restrictions and opportunities. The School Age Program offers before and after school care for youth in grades K- age 12.
When specified, pre-school aged children may participate in activities sponsored by Youth Programs, such as dance classes and Start Smart Sports. Visit the website for all the pertinent information.
Age, Fee, Enrollment, Length of Program
Eligibility -- Active Duty Military, DoD Civilians, NAF employees, AAFES employees, Retirees & Contractors (retirees & contractors not eligible for School Age Program), Air National Guard members, Military reservists (must be active duty for School Age Program.)
Youth Center Membership is for ages 9-18: $25.00 per fiscal year, per child. Members receive discounts on dances, field trips and special events. Teens may be eligible for free membership, based on grant availability, so be sure to ask. School Age Program fees are based on Total Household Income. Fees are updated annually.
The Youth Center offers many opportunities - Girls Only, Teens Only, Torch Club, Keystone Club, Community Service Projects, Dances, Lock-Ins, 4-H and much more.
The Youth Center activities calendar is published monthly on the Youth Center website. Youth sponsors are assigned according to age; just send an e-mail through the website or contact the center.
The Patriot's Trail Eastern MA Girl Scouts Council and the Minuteman Boy Scout Council cover Hanscom and Bedford MA. The Youth Center and Base Schools do not keep this information. Check their websites for more information, or call 1-800-822-1662 (Girl Scouts); and 617-615-0004 for Boy Scouts.
Instructional and Sports programs include Happy Dance, Happy Gym, 4-H Babysitting Course, Home Alone Take Away Modules, and Start Smart: Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Tennis.
The Youth Center partners with our local town recreation departments to provide sports for base children.
Activities include 4-H Clubs, and Missoula Children's Theatre. Summer and holiday day camps are also offered.
Summer programs include Camp Quest, Camp Adventure and Sports Camps.
Release 2024.08.27.1