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McChord Clinic
690 Barnes Blvd.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA 98438
Military Appointment Center
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Health care services provided by the Defense Department are available to you and your family at your installation. We know that finding the right health care is important, especially in special circumstances such as emergency or during recent move. Here, you’ll find information and options about the services you have regarding healthcare.
Lewis Main: Madigan Army Medical Center is located on Lewis Main at 9040 Jackson Ave. and serves active-duty service members, active-duty family members, retirees and their family members. Madigan is the second-largest military hospital in the Army and provides a wide array of medical services, such as general medical and surgical care, patient-centered adult and pediatric primary care, a 24-hour emergency room, specialty clinics, behavioral health, and wellness services. You can reach the Madigan Directory Assistance line at 253-968-1110 or visit their website at madigan.tricare.mil.
McChord Field: The McChord Clinic is located on McChord Field at 690 Barnes Blvd. and serves active-duty service members, families and selected retirees. Emergency and ambulance services are NOT offered at the McChord Clinic. You can reach the McChord Clinic at 253-982-2222 or visit their webpage at madigan.tricare.mil/Clinics/McChord-Medical-Clinic.
Newly arriving families must call the TRICARE regional contractor, Health Net Federal Services, at 844-866-9378 to enroll and be assigned a primary care manager.
Appointments can be made by calling the Puget Sound Military Appointment Center at 800-404-4506.
When you move, TRICARE moves with you. No matter where you go in the world, TRICARE is there before, during and when you get to your next duty station.
There are steps you need to take to make sure changes to your TRICARE coverage go smoothly. Understand that when you move, you may have to use a different TRICARE option. Visit TRICARE Moving to learn more.
Before you move, you should take care of any routine medical needs, including immunizations, and fill your prescriptions so you have enough while traveling. If you need care during your move, visit TRICARE Getting Care When Traveling to learn what to do.
Filling prescriptions while traveling
You should refill prescriptions before traveling. But if you run out of a prescription drug while traveling, visit TRICARE Filling Prescriptions When Traveling.
Getting dental care while traveling
Getting dental care while traveling depends on your location and whether you are a service member or family member.
With permanent change of station orders, ask for a copy of your medical and dental records from your military treatment facility and the dental treatment facility. Do this at least one month before your PCS date. The MTF should also transfer a copy of your record and any family records to your new duty station or you may be able to hand carry them to your new duty station.
If you want someone else to be able to get medical or dental information on you or your family while you are moving, you need to complete a DD Form 2870, "Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information."
For more information on getting copies of medical records, visit TRICARE Request Copies of Medical Records.
Accessing Medical Care
Upon arrival at JBLM, it is crucial that you update TRICARE coverage for yourself and your family members by calling the TRICARE contractor, Health Net Federal Services, at 844-866-9378.
Emergency Care
In the event of an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room for care. Madigan Army Medical Center has an emergency room, and the MAMC ambulance service responds to on-base emergencies.
Please note: Emergency medical services are not available at the McChord Clinic. In the event of an emergency on McChord Field, you should call 911 or go to Madigan's Emergency Room.
Dental Care
Active-duty service members will receive dental care at their assigned dental clinic on the installation.
Family members have the option to enroll in the Tricare Dental Program. United Concordia administers the TDP benefit. There are several providers in the local area who accept this coverage. For more information, visit the Tricare Dental Program webpage.
Release 2024.08.27.1