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Air Force
March Inn - Temporary Lodging Office
Building 100
March ARB, CA 92518
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
With certain military moves, you may find yourself looking for housing that’s a little less permanent before making long-term arrangements. There are several temporary housing options that may be right for you. Explore the information about temporary housing facilities including allowances, lodging rates and eligibility.
There are no TLF Facilities at March ARB.
March ARB has full lodging services, however, space available rooms are not usually available on Unit Training Assembly (UTA) weekends.
Reflecting an early Spanish architectural motif with red tiled roofs and graceful stucco archways, this west coast military Mecca is one of the most active lodging facilities in the Air Force, despite March Field's conversion to a full time Air Force Reserve Base. The March Inn guest quarters are all located conveniently close to The "Hap" Arnold Club and the Fitness Center.
The March Inn currently has 455 rooms in 10 buildings and 15 houses (not TLF) for temporary lodging. Generally, the March Inn has numerous guest rooms available Sundays through Thursdays, but due to the base's reserve training mission, lodging occupancy is generally not available on many weekends. It's best to call, 951-655-5241 or DSN 447-5241, and determine which weekends are scheduled for the Reserve and Air National Guard Unit Training Assemblies. Advance reservations may be made up to 2 months prior to arrival if rooms are available. If you are in a duty status and rooms are not available you will be billeted in off base quarters and provided a non-availability statement.
Space "A" Status - Generally, the March Inn has numerous guest rooms available Sundays through Thursdays, but due to the base's reserve training mission, lodging occupancy is generally not available on many weekends. It's best to call and determine which weekends are scheduled for the Reserve and Air National Guard Unit Training Assemblies. March Inn's Phone number is 951-655-5241.
VAQ Rate - $99.00
VOQ Rate - $114.00
DV (Business Suites) - $ 121.00Rates are per room, per night.
Phone number: 951-655-5241
Go on line to https://www.dodlodging.net to make a reservation.
The March Inn does not accept pets.
Reservations are accepted 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Space available guests may receive confirmed reservations 24 hours in advance of arrival, for up to 72 hours stay, if rooms are available. Once Space A has been confirmed, duty personnel will not bump you. March Inn Phone number: 951-655-5241. Go on line to https://www.dodlodging.net to make a reservation.