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Marine Corps
Joint Reception Center (JRC)
Building 1388
PSC 561 Box 1862
FPO Japan 96310-0029
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When you arrive at your new installation, you’ll need to follow installation-specific procedures. Each installation and service handles in-processing differently. Here, you can find installation-specific guidelines and a list of documents to bring with you when checking- in. Reach out to the contacts provided if you have specific questions.
Upon arrival aboard Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni:
Personnel traveling commercial:
All individuals arriving to Japan via commercial travel are required to proceed directly to a U.S. facility via the most direct route possible. Tenant units are responsible for the reception of these individuals.
Welcome Aboard
All Status of Forces Agreement personnel 16 and older are required to attend this mandatory orientation. During this orientation you will learn about your responsibilities as a member of the military community, learn about Japanese culture and customs, complete the SOFA permit test and take the written test to obtain your SOFA permit test. You will also have the opportunity to meet the representatives from different entities aboard the Air Station during the information fair and learn about the services available to you.
To sign up, please click the following link at Iwakuni Marine and Family Programs
Should you have children younger than 16, the child development center and school-age care center offer frer childcare services during the Welcome Aboard Orinetation based on availability. The information, referral and relocation office will provide vouchers to cover the cost of care for the day. In order to register, you will need to provide up-to-date immunization records for each child prior to the Welcome Aboard Orientation at the CDC or SAC. Please contact the SAC or CDC:
CDC: DSN 253- 5584/7353 - OMBIwakuni.ChildDevelopmentCenter@usmc-mccs.orgSAC: DSN 253-4769 - OMBIwakuni.SAC@usmc-mccs.org.
The following steps are to obtain SOFA permits.
Step 1: Attend the 2-day Welcome Aboard Orientation
Step 2: Complete and Pass the SOFA permite test SOFA self-study material link is at https://www.mcasiwakuni.marines.mil/PCS-to-Iwakuni/Driving-in-Japan/
Step 3: Provide Vehicle Registration Office with the required documentations
-Valid Stateside (or Goverment of Japan) drivers licence -E-5/below ranks - Unit Commanding Officer endrosement (if applicable) -If uniform service personnel (age 25 and under) complete drivers' awaress (or equivalent) training certificate (if applicable) -Orders/Letter of Employment Letter of Authorization (as applicable) Vehicle Registration Office phone number: DSN 253-6381
Upon notification of orders to Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni
Visit your installation's Information Referral and Relocation Program office and attend the Permanent Change of Station with Success workshop. Request a sponsor from the gaining command using NAVMC11799 "Sponsorship Request", and a Welcome Aboard Package from the Information Referral and Relocation Program office. Inbound process can be found at PCS to Iwakuni (marines.mil)
If you are accompanied, begin the screening process for overseas suitability of all family members. Upon determination of overseas suitability, your S-1/IPAC/CDR OR PSD will request an Area Clearance/ Dependent Entry Approval via AMHS/OIX. The request should be sent to PLAD: MCAS IWAKUNI JA.
Provide the following information to your assigned sponsor. These documents will allow your sponsor to make temporary lodging arrangements, a housing appointment, schooling arrangements (if applicable) and a veterinary appointment if applicable.
Ensure to obtain special insurance "no-fee" passports ( SIP) for SOFA Status civilians and dependents. Visit your local legal assistance office if required.
Make travel arrangements at the Passenger Travel Office. Contact your assigned sponsor, gaining unit or staff duty to make local transportation arrangements.
Downsize as local housing is significantly smaller than most American homes. Please visit the Military Housing at Military Housing Division (marines.mil). If you have any questions, please contact at DSN (315) 253-5541 or commercial number from U.S. 011-81-827-79-5541 and/or send an e-mail to iwknfamilyhousing@usmc.mil.
If you have children and will need childcare as soon as you arrive, please create an account and register at Military Childcare dot Com. If you have school age children, pre-register online at Online Student Pre-Registration or contact the installation's School Liaison Officer at ombiwaschoolliaison@usmc-mccs.org.
If traveling with pets please start arrangements as soon as possible to get a space on the AMC flight and contact the veterinary clinic at ombiwabarkinglot@usmc-mccs.org. Helpful website: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/pet-travel/by-country/pettravel-japan.
Storage rentals are available, but there is frequently a waiting list for a unit. Please contact the Self Storage at DSN 315-253-5325.
Travel with an adequate amount of cash for any emergency situations such as overnight delays or use of local transportation due to missed flights. Estimate not less than 20,000 Yen approximately equivalent to $200 per adult and 10,000 Yen approximately equivalent to $100 for each child.
The Military Family Housing and Bachelor Housing https://www.mcasiwakuni.marines.mil/Organizations/Station/Facilities/Military-Housing-Division/
Unaccompanied service members
Your gaining command or your sponsor should make reservations for your permanent room.
Please provide the following documentation to your sponsor.
-A copy of your orders
-DODID number
-Estimated arrival/departure dates
Note: Unaccompanied Housing quarters are equipped with basic furnishings. Members are encouraged to store personal furnishings CONUS and bring only minimal HHG to MCAS Iwakuni. Bachelor Housing is unable to accommodate the storage of personal furnishings at this time. Residents must rent commercial storage space for extensive storage needs. On-site storage is limited and intended only for minimal items such as luggage.
Contact Bachelor Housing at DSN 315-253-5782/5803/5783 or 011-81-827-79-last 4 digits or send an email to iwakuniUH@usmc.mil.
Accompanied service members and their families
All accompanied members are required to report to the Military Housing Office within two business days after arrival. Active-duty families are required to live on base unless housing occupancy rate for their respective grade/rank is above 90 %. Loaner furniture provided for Accompanied inbound members for up to 60 days or until HHGs arrives. Please do not bring large appliances or oversized furniture.
Once below documents are received the inbound member will go on the applicable waiting list based on rank/family size
- Completed DD Form 1746
- Endorsed Original Orders
- Marines: Area Clearance/ Navy: Dependent Entry Approval
If you have any questions, please contact the Military Family Housing Office at DSN (315) 253-5541 OR commercial number 011-81-827-5541. You may also send inquiries to iwknfamilyhousing@usmc.mil
Operation hours
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday: 8 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Temporary Lodging Facility in building 9500 Inns of the Corps. You or your sponsor should contact the temporary lodging facility to make reservations as soon as possible by calling DSN 315-253-3221 or sending an email to LodgingReservations.Iwakuni@usmc-mccs.org