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School Liaison
Building 220 Room 130A
FPO Italy 09623-0001
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Sigonella offers a Department of Defense Dependent School which serves children from Pre-School through 12th grade. Visit the elementary website for the latest school information and the middle/high school website for middle and high school information. You may also download registration forms from the websites.
Upload all the necessary document prior to you arrive to the following website:
New Incoming Student https://dodeasis.myfollett.com/aspen/logon.do
1. One Copy of sponsor's PCS orders assigning sponsor and dependents to Sigonella with amendment if applicable. If your dependents are not listed on orders, proof is needed.
2. Certificate or Passport for each child. (8th – 12th grades only)
3. Immunization Records (English Translation)
4. Records from Previous School. (English Translation)
5. Valid ID card of Parent.
6. Sponsor Individual Billing Letter (IBL) or Company Billing Letter (CBL)NATO ONLY
7. Space Available Form NATO/CONTRACTORS ONLY
8. Birth Certificate for students in grades Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st.
Note: Children entering Pre-K, Kindergarten, First Grade must be 4, 5 and 6 years old respectively on/before September 1. Minimal Age Requirement Policy
Also required: (The below documents ARE required but will not keep a student from starting school.)
If you have any questions about exceptions, contact DoDEA.
There are several families who Home School. Some families enroll their children in the Italian schools out on the economy.
Location: NAS I
The curriculum offered at Sigonella School is very similar to most schools in the states and our programs match up closely with those offered at comparable size schools. A college-bound curriculum is offered to all high school students with a variety of programs available for all.
The schools strive to meet the needs of all students, however, there are limited programs for students who have special needs or have needs beyond the normal scope of the curriculum. DoDEA personnel believe that all children can be successful with the proper strategy interventions and an ample amount of time. We encourage all families to complete the overseas screening process to ensure our programs match up with any special needs your children may have, there is limited support on the local economy
Sigonella Elementary offers a pre-school handicapped program (PSCD) and is in close coordination with the military pre-school programs to facilitate the needs of these students.
Interscholastic sports programs are available to those students in grades 9 through 12. Competition is conducted normally with other DODDS and international schools within Italy, Germany and, whenever possible, host nation schools.
All students are encouraged to become more involved in the local culture through the study of Italian and attending the culturally related study trips into the local environments. A major effort is provided to ensure students have a better understanding of the diverse culture in which they are living.
Bus transportation is provided to students living within the established commuting zone. Please ensure that the house of your choice is within the commuting zone School bus routes are examined and modified as the need determines.
Children and youth assigned here are bound to be excited about the many extra-curricular opportunities offered in addition to the school program. Children of all ages will benefit from the interactive art, music, PE and Host Nation activities. Older children will benefit from involvement in various sports programs, drama club, chorus, and band. Middle and high school students are eligible for the National Honor/National Junior Honor Society and other meritorious associations. The Middle/High school offers honors classes in English, several AP classes and active NJROTC program.
The DODDS Schools are available without cost to command sponsored active duty and DoD civilian family members. There is a tuition structure in place for families who are connected to the base but serve as contractors. English speaking private schools are not available in the local area. There is limited special education support available at both schools, please complete the overseas screening process to determine suitability.