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ID/CAC Lab Card Processing (TSC)
Bldg. 476
Italy 09627
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Figuring out the best way to get around is important when you’re in a new installation. It’s useful to understand the various regulations, local laws as well as license and registration requirements. Whether you need a driver’s license, transport a car overseas or want help buying a car, there are people to assist you at your new installation. Check out the topics below to find information and regulations on vehicles and registration at your base.
The Vehicle Registration office is located on NAS 2 and can be reached at DSN 314-624-5275 / 2633 or Commercial +39 095-56-5275 / 2633. Hours of operation are 8 am until 4 pm, Monday through Friday. All privately owned vehicles must be registered with this office to receive base passes, registrations and license plates.
A U.S. Forces in Italy motor vehicle operator's license, a current stateside driver's license, shipping documents, stateside registration and PCS orders are required to register your vehicle. All vehicles must maintain insurance and valid insurance cards.
A U.S. Forces driver's license can only be issued against a current U.S (state) driver's license. All active duty personnel, civilians and family members must attend the Driver Improvement Program prior to receiving an American Forces in Italy, AFI license. This course is taught by the Safety Department during INDOC at NAS 1, duration of the class is 2 hour . The AFI Driver's License is issued at NAS 2 MVRO after receipt of exam results.
For more details of when the INDOC classes are offered, call DSN 314-624-4696 or Comm. +39-095-56-4696.
It is also strongly encouraged to obtain an International Drivers License.
Seat Belts - Seat belts are mandatory on and off base.
Speed Limits - NAS 1 the speed limit is 20km/h (12 mph) and NAS 2 the speed limit is 30 Km/h (18 mph). On base and off base, all the speed limit signs are in KM/H. Accidents - All accidents must be reported to NAS Sigonella Security Department. Accidents with injuries or property damage will be reported immediately to both NASSIG Security and the Italian Police.Criminal Offenses - NASSIG Security department works closely with the Italian Police and Carabinieri. UCMJ offenses will be handled in military order. Offenses committed in the community will be processed through the Italian police but will usually be turned over to the base. All US citizens associated with NASSIG fall under Italian Law.Crime Stop - NASSIG Security has a Crime Prevention Program. During your indoctrination week, many briefs will be given by the Security Force such as; Anti-terrorist brief, and personal and home security. Any questions, problems or concerns may be referred to the Crime Prevention Coordinator at DSN 624-5556/7. or Comm. +39 095 56 5556/7Italy has a low violent crime rate and little of that is directed toward foreigners. Petty crimes such as pick pocketing, theft from parked cars and purse snatching might accur, especially in and around large cities.Restricted Areas - NAS II flight line is a restricted area. Ramp passes are available through assigned commands. Weapons, Tactical Support Center and Naval Computer and Telecommunications have stringent access security.Photography - Cameras and video recorders are restricted on NAS II. Check with the Security Department before taking any pictures on NAS II.
Pass and ID Center
The Pass and ID center is located on NAS II and can be contacted at DSN 314-624-6387 Comm. +39 095-86-6387. Hours of operation are 8am until 4 pm, Monday through Friday. This office issues Ramp Badges, Ration Cards for tobacco and alcohol products, electronic equipment, guest passes for visiting U.S. citizens and gate passes for local nationals.
State and local laws regulate the operation of motor vehicles, and these laws can vary by location.
A course is offered during the mandatory INDOC to all newcommers to Sigonella. Class is at NAS 1, for details and the dates of when the class is offered, call DSN 314-624-4696 or Commercial +39-095-56-4696. The course covers local laws, road signs, how to report accidents.
The course also covers:
More tips at Distraction.gov State Laws page.
If you ship an automobile, it will need to be registered at the Motor Vehicle Registration Office to be cleared through Italian Customs. To register your vehicle you must present the following: 1) A current stateside driver's license valid throughout entire tour, 2) A U.S. Forces in Italy motor vehicle operator's permit (Obtained during base indoctrination "INDOC"), 3) The shipping document, 4) Previous vehicle registration or title, and 5) PCS Orders. Be sure that the vehicle you ship will pass a standard state safety inspection. Parts can be ordered but may take several weeks to arrive.
If you plan to purchase an automobile here Italy, there are a few options. Purchase of a new vehicle from a dealership on or off base (only US specification vehicles can be returned to the USA), or purchase a used vehicle from another member (the prices in some cases tend to be inflated). Fleet & Family Support Center, can also provide useful tips on how buy used vehicles out in the economy as well as translation assistance. If you buy a car that is owned by an Italian, it will have to go through a process called "denationalization", that generally takes 4-5 days. MVRO will assist with the legal paper work.
According to the Status of Forces Agreement between Italy and the United States you are allowed to have three (3) motor vehicles during your tour of duty. Only your primary vehicle is tax free and authorized a NATO Forces fuel card. The fuel card allows you to purchase gas at a cost of gas that is in the USA (gas is very expensive in Italy). You can use the fuel card at authorized gas stations throughout Italy. MVRO will determine your monthly allotted gasoline ration, based on the vehicle engine size. Your additional vehicles do not get tax-free gas and you must pay annual road taxes on them, assessed by the Italian Government according to the vehicle brake horsepower.
To own, register, or operate any type or size motorbike or motorcycle in Italy you must have a valid U.S. state license endorsed for motorcycles and a motorcycle safety foundation course card. The motorcycle size (engine size) you may operate is related to your age. You must be 21 years old to operate a motorcycle over 349 cc.
Third party liability insurance is mandatory in Italy for all registered vehicles. The policy conditions and premiums are established by law and are standard throughout the country. Premiums can be expensive. Only two U.S. companies licensed in Italy have local offices. They are USAA and GEICO. You must obtain an Italian premium receipt, certificate of insurance, and a window insert for each vehicle.Contact MVRO at (from US) 011-39-095-86-5275 / 77 or DSN 314 -624-5275 / 77 for more information.
Hands-free devices must be used while operating a motor vehicle on ALL military installations worldwide.