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School Liaison
2572 Cascades Pass Blvd
Bremerton, WA 98312
all other districts
Central Kitsap
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Children attend school according to where the family resides:
If you live off base, the public school your child/children will attend is primarily determined by where you choose to reside.
For public schooling, enrollment is based on where the family chooses to reside. To attend a different school in your assigned district or to attend a school in another district, you must apply for admission. Each district has a slightly different form and process, so check with the School Liaison Officer or the local school district.
Naval Base Kitsap residents are served by specific districts or schools.
Housing residents on Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor may attend either CKSD schools (Central Kitsap High School, and, depending where you live on Base, either Cougar Valley Elementary School/Central Kitsap Junior High School or Clear Creek Elementary School/Ridgetop Junior High School) or NKSD schools (North Kitsap High School, Poulsbo Middle School, and Pearson Elementary School).
Jackson Park Housing residents may attend either Bremerton SD schools (Bremerton High School, Mountain View Middle School, Kitsap Lake Elementary School) or CKSD schools (Central Kitsap High School, Central Kitsap Junior High School, Jackson Park Elementary School). Bus service to both districts is available for children beyond walking distance to the schools (some of Jackson Park Housing is within walking distance to Jackson Park Elementary).
Within Naval Base Kitsap- Bremerton/PSNS, children would attend schools in the Bremerton School District. Buses pick-up children on the Base.
At Naval Base Kitsap- Keyport, children would attend schools within the North Kitsap School District. Bus service is available on the Base for children who reside within the Keyport Base boundaries.
Please Note: except from the specific schools that serve either Bangor Housing or Jackson Park Housing, there is no transportation from any other elementary, middle/junior high, or high schools to the Child and Youth Programs at Bangor or Jackson Park. If you are looking for before- and after-school childcare, do sign up asap with CYP.
Off Base
Off the Base, there are a number of districts from which to choose. You can access a wide variety of information at the following websites—from district calendars, registration information, and individual school info, to sports, counseling office, and military family information.
Public school preschool is for students with special needs who require it under special education. Washington State doesn’t provide free public preschool to other children.
For public school kindergarten in Washington State, a child must be 5 years old on or before August 31st in order to start in the Fall. An exception is made for children who have already started kindergarten in another state and are transferring to kindergarten in Washington. These children are transfer students, and as such, move into the grade in which they had been enrolled in the previous state. Registering for kindergarten is not enough; a child must have attended school as a kindergartener in another state to qualify. Although rare, if a child who fails to make the age cut-off is advanced socially, emotionally, physically, and academically and the birthday is within about 6-8 weeks of the cutoff, the school district could test the child for early kindergarten entrance. Contact the district for early entrance information.
For district contacts in special programs (including alternative programs and schools, district parent-assisted/homeschooling programs, and special education) contact the School Liaison Officer or visit the district websites.
Special Needs
All area school districts provide a variety of options for students with special needs. If you are thinking about a particular district or school, then the School Liaison Officer can connect you with the special needs director so that you could ask specific questions that pertain to your child's needs. Be sure to bring your own copies of your student’s birth certificate, as well as general education, immunization, and special needs records; this will smooth the move to the new school.
Voters in WA State passed an initiative in November 2012, authorizing charter schools in WA. A Charter School Commission was appointed in March 2013; the Executive Director was appointed in September 2013.
Graduation Requirements
There are specific Graduation Requirements for Washington State. Click here for more information.
Immunization/Vaccination Requirements
Health resources, including required immunizations, medication information, and other topics, can be found online, as well as on district websites.
Information on Washington State's requirements for school immunizations and vaccinations can be found online. Please check the requirements prior to your arrival. If you can obtain these at your current duty station, it may prevent delayed enrollment in school upon arrival.
State Testing
State testing information is available on the OSPI website.
State testing results for district and individual school can be found online. (Click on the name of the school district that you are interested in on the drop-down menu on the light-yellow tool bar, then click on ‘summary’ on the green toolbar. This will give you info on testing, graduation rates, demographics, etc. If you go back to light yellow toolbar, you can pull down the individual schools in that district to see what their stats look like.) Here you can also find district and individual school demographics (including enrollment size, free-reduced lunch percentage, high quality teacher data, English as Second Language numbers, ethnic group percentages, graduation rates, attendance rates).
Information on private schools in the area is available here: https://www.sbe.wa.gov/our-work/private-schools#List%20of%20Approved%20PS
Information on home schooling and home-based instruction can be found online. Follow the below link for more information on home school policies in Washington State.
Home-Based Instruction | OSPI (www.k12.wa.us)
Education opportunities are plentiful for adults looking to continue. Please refer to the Education - Training(College/Technical) section or contact your Naval Base Kitsap Family Employment Readiness Program Specialist at the Naval Base Kitsap Fleet & Family Support Center at 360-396-4115.