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Navy Housing Service Center
7924 14th St.
Norfolk, VA 23505-1217
Toll Free
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When planning for a move with the military, you might consider moving into government housing. Government housing is owned and maintained by the Department of Defense and is typically on the installation. Eligibility and availability for this type of housing may vary by service member, family size and installation. Learn more about the different options, benefits and discounts that may be available to you through government housing.
All military personnel, married or single and reporting to sea or shore commands in the Hampton Roads area are required to report to the Regional Housing Office in Norfolk before negotiating a lease or rental agreement for housing. The Regional Housing Office is authorized to maintain a signed acknowledgment of notification to military members of any housing areas restricted by sanction.
There are over 4,000 family housing units in the Hampton Roads area. Wait times for military housing vary and are dependent on rank, date of application and bedroom entitlement. Contact the housing office or visit https://ffr.cnic.navy.mil/Navy-Housing/Housing-By-Region/Mid-Atlantic/NAVSTA-Norfolk/ for updated information on wait times or to view housing floor plans.
Upon receipt of your PCS orders, you may send a copy of your orders and a copy of your Page 2 with a housing application (Directives Division Form 1746) to the Regional Housing Office. This information and application will be put into a holding file until the active-duty member checks into his/her command and comes into the Housing Office to activate their application. Your application will be back dated to the time of your detachment from your last duty station provided you apply within 30 days after you report and no later than that date. If the date you check into the Housing Office is more than 30 days of your report date, you will go on the waitlist on the date you check into the Housing Office. For more detailed information regarding military housing in Hampton Roads, be sure to view Mid-Atlantic Navy Housing website.
If the spouse submits the housing application, he/she will also need to bring a specific power of attorney from the service member.
Two pets are allowed per family. No chows, Doberman pinschers, Presa canarios, pit bulls, Rottweilers, wolf hybrids or any mixes thereof are permitted in military housing. No barnyard or exotic pets such as chickens, ducks, ferrets, rabbits and reptiles are allowed.
Waterbeds are allowed in military-leased housing with personal insurance. All units are non-smoking units inside the unit.
Single service members who are E4 over 4 on both shore and sea duty are authorized to reside in the local community and be paid Basic Allowance for Housing. E4 under 4 stationed ashore will stay in the barracks and be put on a waiting list until the base housing manning reaches 95%. E4 under 4 may be eligible to reside out in town and receive BAH entitlements. Barracks restrictions include smoking and overnight guests. All guests must depart from the barracks by 10 p.m.
Single enlisted service members with at least six months left in service can move into the Hampton Roads Public/Private Venture barracks. Service members having less than six months can move into Navy operated barracks. Single sailors E4 under 4 who elect to reside in PPV housing will collect the higher rate of the partial BAH.
Newly reporting personnel who are not sure where to check in or if their ship is not in port should report to the nearest Transient Personnel Unit (TPU 757-444-1640) where the command is home ported at their assigned base.
The phone number for combined bachelors’ quarters is 877-628-9233.
Application Procedures
PPV barracks require signing a lease and filling out an application. The period of the lease is six months for the initial period and then a month-to-month lease will apply.
Service members will need to bring a valid identification card, orders, emergency contact name, an address and phone number where the member can be reached. In addition, the member must bring an automobile license plate number, a contact number, work number and a copy of the most current Leave and Earnings Statement.
There is no application fee for PPV barracks; however, the service member will be required to pay a security deposit and the first month’s rent if an allotment is not set up.
Availability in Norfolk, at enlisted barracks, is on a space-available basis. Currently, the enlisted barracks are at 95% capacity. Northwest Annex currently has availability. They can be reached at 757-421-8793.
Newly reporting officers may be afforded transient berthing for thirty days at any of the seven Navy Gateway Inns and Suites serving the Hampton Roads region, on a space-available basis; pets are prohibited. Two types of rooms; Standard Deluxe $96 per night and Deluxe Queen $100 per night. For reservations call 757-394-9053 or 877-628-9233.
Off-Base Housing
Single service members and geographic bachelors are strongly encouraged to check in with housing before starting an independent housing search. The housing office assists service members to find housing in the local community and offers information on the Rental Partnership Program. The Housing Referral Office has up-to-date listings of affordable apartments, condos and mobile homes as well as a database of available houses for rent. Most rental properties require a six- to 12-month lease; be sure your lease includes a military clause. There are very few furnished apartments for rent. The housing office can help with lease screening, and tenant rights and relations. Service members should call 800 628-7510 or 757-445-2832 to speak to a housing counselor for more information.
Release 2024.08.27.1