Eielson AFB

Cost of Living

In comparison to the nation, Eielson Air Force Base is located in a high cost area. For the first quarter of 2021, the average price of a single-family house in the Fairbanks North Star Borough was $308,627. The mean adjusted rent for all unit types for first quarter 2021 was $1,270. The average cost of residential heating fuel was $2.75 per gallon. For 2021, the annual average cost of self-service unleaded gasoline was $3.51.  Alaska ranked sixth among the highest cost states at about 28% above the average U.S. costs.

For your reference, the cost of some common items include:


U.S. Average

Fairbanks Average

Whole wheat bread



Quarter pounder with cheese



One dozen eggs



Salon cut and style



Eye exam



In the first quarter of 2021, the average house sold for a low of $308,627 in the Fairbanks North Star Borough. With the housing shortages in this area, home prices have since sky rocketed due to the lack of available housing options.